Chapter. 6 Accountability (Rerun)

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"Kaiser, make sure to come by today before class starts, I wish to speak with you."

I wonder what he wishes to speak with me about.

His office was decorated with the sense of a steampunk aesthetic as clockwork was present everywhere.

"Hello there," Ozpin said. "I've been expecting you. You probably have a bunch of questions about your position."

"Everything in this world is inside a "book" (or show) I know all that happens in the future as I've been transported into here from reality. I'm here to assist you against Salem."

Is a possibility that I could speak about, but it was too great of a decision. I might get sent to an asylum for my crazy words, or people would literally "turn off" because everything didn't matter.

"I...I just wanted to know why you made me the overseer, surely there could have been better candidates than me."

"Because you're an unknown factor. Everything about you is shrouded in mystery. Plus, it's noted that you have great intellectual abilities," Ozpin responded.

It's noted that I have great intellectual abilities. Did I already have a background when I was transported here? That should be impossible...

I didn't take account of that... I should have thought why I was able to attend this academy despite magically appearing here?

I didn't take the body of someone. My name, my appearance, it's all the same. But if I question him about it then it would be seen as suspicious.

"That's... That's such a foolish decision. You're gambling on the experience of the first-year students."

Ozpin smiled, "Well do you want to change that?"


My presence will soon rock this world, kicking it away from the original timeline with the butterfly effect and causing a new one to take place, an unknown path that I'm afraid of.

Watching the show, I could see everything, nothing was hidden, but this was different. I dislike the unknown. But I also wished for a new path, one created by me, and so I decided to stay as the overseer.

"No, I'll stay. I'll prove to you that your decision wasn't wrong."

He chuckled, "That's good to know. But this will be difficult, managing a group of learning huntsman."

"I don't care... I'm capable of anything."

"Quite the confidence but it's what we needed. Simply observe the students for today. It's unlikely anything serious will occur on the first day."

Yet, the day's events quickly proved otherwise.

As the dust settled from the unexpected explosion, I found myself reflecting on his words. I wasn't sure if you were right, Professor Ozpin.

"It was only the first day and you guys blew up the dust lab! I can't believe that—

"Ms. Glynda, please calm down. I'll talk to them about this," Ozpin said.

She shortly calmed down but she warned him not to be too lenient on them or else something like this will happen again.

Ozpin clarified that the random partner selection is designed to teach hunters teamwork and self-awareness. He considered the incident minor and opted against harsh penalties like suspension. Instead, he tasked me, the first-year overseer, with determining appropriate guidance to prevent future issues.

I wasn't pleased with this; I wanted only logical and rational decisions to be made by me and other factors, such as social and emotional problems, by others. But I knew that I needed to change and that's why I accepted it.

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