Chapter (1). Rerun

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Hello there, I'm just doing a rewrite of this series for fun and also due to the unfortunate closing of Rooster Teeth. Long Live RWBY.

Major changes will be present.

I sat in my seat, clapping politely as the other prodigies were called up to the stage. They had achieved remarkable feats in various fields, from science and math to music and art.

They deserved the recognition and praise they were getting. But I knew I was different from them. I was not just a prodigy, I was the prodigy.

The one who excelled in everything, the one who had no flaws, the one who everyone looked up to and envied. I was the ideal of every student, the most prestigious of them all.

And then it was my turn. I heard my name being announced, followed by a list of my accomplishments and awards.

I stood up and walked to the podium, feeling the eyes of the crowd on me. I saw the awe and admiration on their faces, mixed with some jealousy and resentment.

I felt a surge of pride and satisfaction, knowing I had proven myself to be the best as the principal was waiting with a medal and a certificate.

I had worked hard for this moment, studying day and night, mastering every subject and skill. I had surpassed all my peers and teachers, earning their respect and admiration. I was the best of the best, and I knew it.

But as I looked at the crowd of students, parents, and staff, I also felt a pang of emptiness. I had no friends, no family, no one who truly cared about me. Only this image of mine.

Was I viewed as a human by people or was I simply a doll locked up in a display box?

I had sacrificed everything for my academic excellence, but what did it mean? What was the point of being a prodigy, if I had no one to share it with?

I smiled and waved, pretending to be happy and grateful, but inside I was hollow and numb. I wondered if anyone could see through my façade and if they could understand how I felt.

I wondered if there was more to life than being a prodigy and if there was something I was missing. Was it a heart?

A bright flash of light blinded me, followed by a loud noise and a jolt of pain. As I recovered, everything was . . . different.

I stood in the middle of the crowd, feeling the excitement and anticipation in the air. The auditorium was massive, with a dome-shaped ceiling that projected holograms and animations.

The seats were comfortable and adjustable, with built-in speakers and screens. The stage was sleek and modern, with a transparent podium and a giant screen behind it.

I looked around, seeing the faces of the other students, all of them were donning strange clothing along with armor. Why would armor be needed in a school environment?

Some had swords, daggers, or axes strapped to their belts. Others had guns, lasers, or grenades hanging from their shoulders.

They were chatting and laughing, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the upcoming event as they were browsing the internet, checking the latest news and trends, playing games, listening to music, or watching videos.

Unknown advanced technologies along with students wielding such dangerous weapons? This is...curious.

Wait... now isn't the time to be daydreaming, this was nothing like the stage I had been on moments ago!

Where was I? How did I get here? What was happening to me? I felt a surge of panic and bewilderment. My body shivered and my heart raced.

I had no idea how I ended up in this place, and I could feel my body trembling with fear and confusion.

Bittersweet Reverie - RWBY x Original Character (OC)Where stories live. Discover now