Chapter 7. Resilience

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"Finally... a moment of peace and chance to focus on the lesson." I thought, settling into my seat

"Hey there, pretty face," Yang's voice interrupted my thoughts. She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to sit with her team.

"Sorry about that," Ruby said, "We're just making sure that you don't pass out or anything."

Well... I did pass out an hour ago, but I had a good night's sleep during that. Though, I have a feeling that they're not gonna care about that.

"It's time for partner sparring," Glynda said.

The display monitored Team RWBY going up first, with Weiss and Ruby going against each other

"Ruby is someone unworthy of my talents. There's no point in doing this," Weiss explained

Ruby laid her head down as she frowned.

"Enough, the match will start now," Glynda

"However, I wish to go up against Kaiser," Weiss gritted her teeth, "You're just a brat who doesn't know their place."

Is she still holding a grudge from earlier?

"I'm sure someone of your stature wouldn't find satisfaction in defeating someone as weak as me. Isn't that right, Schnee?"

"That should send a message to everyone that you're simply not qualified for this position," Weiss said.

"Not everything has to be a physical depute. I can do wonders with my intelligence alone. Why do you think I was appointed as the overseer?"

"Weiss, I won't allow this just because of a grudge between you two. Such animosity shouldn't exi—

Ruby interrupted her, "I'm fine with it, Ms. Glynda."

"But Ruby, don't you want to confront her? Rid her of that entitlement and huge ego."

"Ms. Glynda is right, I don't want to make things worse between us. Perhaps as the overseer you might be able to reach Weiss," Ruby suggested.

"I'm not sure if I can, to be honest."

Ruby offered an encouraging smile, "Have some faith in yourself."

"...Thank you, Ruby."

Glynda sighed, "If that's the case, then come to the stage, either of you, ready up."

Before, I let my excuses win, but I can't let that happen again.

I wasn't even sure I was adamant about this, but I believed it was my pride. I'm going to keep my promise to you and Ozpin, Ruby.

"I wanted to be angry. I wanted to scold her for her behavior, but everything was exhausting."

But this required a different approach. It wasn't about winning, it was about leaving a mark, however small, on her consciousness.

"If you lose to me, I want you to apologize to Ruby."

But if there's a chance that I'm blessed by luck, I'll take it.

She chuckled, "It's predetermined that you're going to lose and once you do, you'll be at my feet."

"Ready... Set... Go!" As the speakers blurted.

Weiss conjured a glyph beneath my feet, infused with gravity dust, propelling me into the air.

I panicked upon being tossed up into the air. All of my senses were being overwhelmed.

From this point, I observed multiple glyphs materializing around me, each ready to attack.

Shields of iron immediately burst around me, intercepting the dust projectiles launched by the glyph.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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