chapter 6

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Darkpaw watched in horror as he watched riverclan warriors flooding into camp.

Darkpaw still felt daze and tried to get up but felt a large paw on his side.

"So ShadowClan still trains kit's." Darkpaw looked up to see robinfeather.

"Never bring up him. his leadership made ShadowClan suffer." Darkpaw desperately tried to kick robinfeather off but failed.

"Give up kit, your mentor clearly didn't teach you well." Darkpaw, listen as robinfeather talked bad about Lionstar.

"Never talk about our leader like that." Darkpaw saw his sister bettlepaw, and Raccoonpaw both attacked robinfeather.

Darkpaw took this opportunity and ran from beneath robinfeather.

Darkpaw ran to his siblings and saw that Raccoonpaw had a shredded ear while bettlepaw had a large scratch on her nose.

"Are you guys ok?" Darkpaw was concerned for his siblings, but fight still shined in their eyes.

"We're fine, Darkpaw, but I couldn't see Lionstar anywhere."

Darkpaw nodded and looked around for Lionstar, but instead, he saw a riverclan warrior going towards the nursery.

Darkpaw was about to charge at the warrior, but instead, Firepaw launched herself at the warrior.

The riverclan warrior was twice her size, but Firepaw quickly overpowered him with a quick blow to his head.

Darkpaw left since Firepaw was protecting the nursery. Darkpaw looked past the fighting cats and saw Lionstar fighting fishstar.

"Honestly, Lionstar ShadowClan shouldn't be allowed to be clan due to your poor leadership."

Lionstar stared at fishstar before smiling.

"If my leadership was poor, then why does ShadowClan remain strong?"

Darkpaw looked around and saw that riverclan warriors were retreating.

Darkpaw looked back and saw fishstar laughing. "Too bad Lionstar ShadowClan may be strong, but you're still weak. Shellfoot, do what your mission is."

Darkpaw was confused but turned around to see a grey tom with his claws on Cloudfur's throat.

Darkpaw immediately saw the blood stain her white fur and launched himself at the warrior, but he got struck by a powerful blow and saw it was robinfeather once again.

Shellfoot continued to dig his claws into cloudfur's throat, and soon she went limp.

Darkpaw tried to get up, but blackpelt rushed by. " Get your claws away from Cloudfur!"

Blackpelt never wanted Cloudfur to get killed. Shellfoot quickly dodged but was blocked by Shrewleaf. "You will pay for killing Cloudfur."

Shellfoot was surrounded by warriors, and soon, he was fighting 5 furious ShadowClan warriors.

Fishstar rushed to Shellfoot but was being attacked by morningheart.

Shellfoot retreated, but he wasn't left with no wounds, neither was fishstar who was retreating with the last few warriors.

When the last riverclan warrior left, Darkpaw ran to Cloudfur. Beetlepaw was crying with grief while blackpelt was laying by her with pain in his eyes.

Raccoonpaw was staring into the distance while Darkpaw was looking at the sky.

'Starclan, please take care of Cloudfur.' That was all that filled Darkpaw's head.

Blackpelt was angry and ran out of camp. "Where is blackpelt going?" Beetlepaw asked

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