Chapter 30

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Darkstorm padded along the kits as they let out a battle cry. Quickly the kits ran after little Orangekit and Firekit. Firefoot had her kits a moon ago and they still hate leaving the nursery.

The kits both had the same ginger fur as Firefoot no brown fur like Appleshade. "Ravenkit that's not fair Darkstorm is helping you. The deputy can't help you."

Darkstorm looked at Orangekit with amusement. "I'm not helping them Orangekit I'm just making sure Frogkit doesn't tackle you or Larkkit doesn't climb a rock and jump on you."

Firekit looked at Darkstorm with suspicion. Darkstorm rolled his eyes and sighed at the tiny kit. "Yes I'll make sure Ravenkit doesn't go into the shadows."

Firekit looked satisfied but Ravenkit began to speak up. "But last time you couldn't even see." Darkstorm placed his tail over the tiny kits mouth.

"Let's not speak about that now let's just continue the game." Firekit and Orangekit both looked at Darkstorm with suspicion but they both got defensive when Frogkit got close.

Darkstorm looked at Frogkit with surprise as he stalked the other as if they were prey. Realizing he was doing the hunters crouch Darkstorm observed the kit.

Frogkit began to stalk after the two younger kits until they were both pressed against the stone wall. "Frogkit stop it your scaring Orangekit."

Firekit was swiping a paw towards Frogkit but the tiny tom seemed unbothered. Darkstorm watched as Larkkit appeared from the leaves and had her fur raised up.

Realizing he couldn't see Ravenkit he began to scan the shadows for him. He quickly spotted the slit green eyes of the tiny kit as he stalked Firekit.

Before Darkstorm was able to warn the tiny flame kits Ravenkit and his littermates immediately jumped on them. Careful to not hurt them Darkstorm grabbed the three kits by their scruff.

"Get off them!" Once Darkkit managed to get the other kits off he looked at them with anger. "I told you to be gentle and Frogkit when Firekit said stop you should've stopped."

Frogkit backed away fear scent coming off him. Darkstorm immediately felt sympathy for the kit as Ravenkit quickly got in front of his littermate.

"Look I'm sorry I was just upset that you were playing to rough remember Orangekit and Firekit are just a moon old." Frogkit slipped from behind Ravenkit and padded over to Firekit.

Firekit stood in front Orangekit prepared to defend him. "I'm sorry Orangekit I should've stopped when you told me to." Darkstorm watched as Firekit gave Frogkit a comforting lick.

"It's ok Frogkit next time just listen." Darkstorm nodded with approval as the kits apologized to one another. Darkstorm then began to round up the kits back to the nursery.

Mousecoal was sleeping while Firefoot was fixing the messed up moss on the nest. "Oh Darkstorm you actually brought them back on time."

Darkstorm nodded as the kits flooded into the nursery. The three half clan kits went to Mousecoal's nest while the little flame kits went to Firefoot's nest.

Darkstorm flicked his tail once the kits were safely by their mother's and left the nursery. Once he was gone he padded towards the warrior's den.

Once Darkstorm was in the den he spotted Beetleleap and Woodheart. "Woodheart can you lead a hunting patrol?" The brown she cat looked at him with surprise.

"Sure who do I take with me?" Darkstorm thought about his clanmates to see who wasn't already on a patrol. "Take Bonefur, Darksoul and Lemurstorm."

Woodheart nodded as she left the warrior's den to go find the assigned cats. Darkstorm sighed as he sat beside Beetleleap. "You all right Darkstorm?"

Darkstorm looked at Beetleleap with sadness. "It's just it feels like time went by so fast. One day I was a kit and then the next I'm the new deputy."

Beetleleap nodded in agreement. "Well times change its good and it's for the best. The more time that passes by the more shadows of the past we leave behind."

Darkstorm looked at his sister with surprise. "When did you get so wise?" Beetleleap looked at him with embarrassment. "I've been talking with bonefur and Poppywing a lot more."

Darkstorm sighed as he settled into his nest. "I should talk to them more often now that I think about it." Beetleleap nodded as she settled besides him.

"It is good advice trust me." Darkstorm nodded as he dozed off. Soon he was woken up by Raccoonclaw who looked terrified. "Raccoonclaw are you ok?"

Raccoonclaw shook his head as he zoomed out the warrior's den beckoning Darkstorm with his tail. Darkstorm followed his brother worried about what terrified his brother.

Upon exiting the den he smelled the terrible smell of sickness. Darkstorm spotted Morningstar in the center of them camp along with Larkkit and Poppywing.

"What happened?" Darkstorm began to inspect the cats and they all had similar appearances. Sunken eyes exposed ribs and terrible breathing.

Raccoonclaw shrugged as he watched them in horror. "Morningstar just had a stomachache but it soon became worse as she threw up a disgusting bile."

Darkstorm watched as Maplenose passed herbs to all three of the cats. "Did any of them eat anything unusual?" Raccoonclaw shrugged as he lowered his head.

"They all just ate some prey caught by the warrior's." Darkstorm let out a small growl as he padded over to the fresh-kill pile and began to inspect the prey.

Darkstorm soon spotted something unusual about a bird and lifted the wing to see spots on it. Curious he looked back at the sick cats.

Quickly he picked up the prey and carried it over to them. Maplenose immediately stepped in front of him with fear in her eyes.

"What in the name of starclan are you doing? They shouldn't eat prey." Darkstorm pushed pass Maplenose as he placed the prey by Poppywing.

"Poppywing did the prey seem unusual like did it have these spots on it?" The brown she cat weakly lifted her head and inspected the prey.

"Yes it was more bitter then usual and it smelled like crow food." Darkstorm nodded as he looked over to the other two cats. Whatever was causing them to get sick it was definitely coming from the prey.

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