Chapter 27

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Darkstorm led his hunting patrol back to camp after a successful Greenleaf. Four sunsets passed since Darkstorm was made deputy and things were doing great but many have died.

Brakenkit died when a Fox found its way into the nursery. It left Mousecoal devastated. Nutfur died after the moons caught up to her. Chippedclaw died last night his sickness was worse.

Lemurstorm and Wolftail have shown to be amazing hunters. And blackpelt has moved to the elders den. Happy with how things were going so far Darkstorm entered the camp followed by his patrol.

Placing his prey on the fresh-kill pile Darkstorm spotted Larkkit padding towards him followed close by Ravenkit. "Hello little one how can I help you?"

Larkkit looked at him with bright blue eyes. "Mousecoal told me to tell you that she wants to talk to you." Darkstorm nodded with care as he followed Larkkit and Ravenkit back to the nursery.

Upon entering he saw Appleshade sitting besides Firefoot. Realizing this was what Mousecoal wanted to talk about he padded towards Appleshade knowing what to do.

"Hey Appleshade would you like to go on a walk with me?" Darkstorm looked at Firefoot with hope that she would help him convince Appleshade.

Firefoot looked at Appleshade with tiredness. "You should go on a walk Appleshade besides I'm quite tired." Appleshade looked at Firefoot then back at Darkstorm.

"Alright besides I think I can beat Darkstorm in a race." Before Darkstorm could protest against Appleshade's accusations Mousecoal was already pushing both toms out of the nursery.

"Come back when your paws are sore and swollen." Darkstorm flicked his tail and followed Appleshade out of the camp. Quickly Appleshade took of.

Once Appleshade was really far Darkstorm ran after him trying to keep up. Once he was besides Appleshade again they both began to walk slowly.

"I was faster." Appleshade broke the silence. "That's because I didn't know you were going to do that I was always faster even as apprentices."

Appleshade rolled his eyes and padded off. Darkstorm Quickly made it to Appleshade and asked him a question he had wanted to ask for so many moon's.

"Why do you assume I'm jealous when you can tell I'm not?" Appleshade stopped and looked at Darkstorm with humor as he sat in silence.

"Back when me and my littermates were apprentices both Frostfury and Woodheart always told me about how your mentor praised you for your hard work."

Darkstorm shrugged as he never cared about the praises and allowed Appleshade to continue. "I was a bit jealous at that and decided to keep saying your jealous so Woodheart and Frostfury would leave me alone."

Darkstorm sat in silence at that and placed his tail tip on Appleshade's shoulder. "So? Your better then me at a lot of things. Climbing trees, fighting. I mean look what you did to my eye."

Appleshade let out a mew of laughter. "Yeah and I got scolded for that." Darkstorm rolled his eyes and smiled. "Oh well I managed to get you back on the nose."

Appleshade nodded as he got up to continue the walk. "True now let's go my paws aren.." Darkstorm watched as Appleshade stopped mid sentence.

"Appleshade are you ok?" Darkstorm questioned. Appleshade's ears went slant as his hackles went up. "That stench is familiar." Darkstorm took a gulp of air to smell the scent and felt his blood run cold.

"That's the scent of a fox." Darkstorm unsheathed his claws as he stood by Appleshade prepared to fight. Once Darkstorm couldn't smell anything he looked at Appleshade with a calm expression.

"Maybe it was just a fox passing by let find the trail and drive it away." Appleshade nodded and began to follow Darkstorm. "But I swear on starclan I scented a fox."

Darkstorm sighed as he traced the scent. "Your nose hasn't been working well for a while let's just find..." Darkstorm stopped when he realized how close the fox was.

Before he can turn and warn Appleshade he heard the screech of him. Darkstorm turned immediately and ran towards the ginger fur that was attacking Appleshade.

Once he was on the fox he began to nip its neck while digging his claws into its shoulders. The fox began to yowl in pain as it began to try kick Darkstorm off distracting it from Appleshade.

Appleshade took the opportunity to attack the fox with his claws unsheathed. Darkstorm was soon knocked off the fox as he hit the ground with a loud thud.

Darkstorm heard a loud yowl from Appleshade as the sound of fighting made its way to Darkstorm's ears. Darkstorm knew he had to help Appleshade and got up to help.

Immediately Darkstorm got up and attacked the fox again with determination. Once he got his claws on the fox Darkstorm felt himself get tossed across the ground.

Looking up he smelled the fox's hot breath. Immediately he began to pray to starclan that nothing happens to him. Darkstorm soon felt the fox bite onto his throat.

Darkstorm tried to kick the fox of him but he was struggling to breath and the fox was putting all its weight onto him. Closing his eyes and accepting that he was about to die.

Darkstorm soon felt the weight of the fox dissappear. Opening his eyes he saw Appleshade face to face with fox. Darkstorm tried to get up to help Appleshade but collapsed.

Darkstorm looked to see his leg was in an awkward angle. He looked back at Appleshade's direction and saw he was underneath the fox.

Darkstorm close his eyes as the terrible yowl of pain echoed through the forest as the fox bit down on Appleshade's neck. Darkstorm opened his eyes to see Appleshade's eyes.

"I'm sorry Darkstorm." Once those words left the golden brown toms mouth he went limp. Greif swept through Darkstorm as he watched the fox walk away.

Darkstorm manged to get up and grab Appleshade's scruff. Realizing how far they were he tried to pick up his pace. Once the camp entrance came to view he let out a loud yowl.

When the steps of clanmates became clear he collapsed with Appleshade's lifeless body besides him.

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