3: Freedom's Progress

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They were back in a fully fueled shuttle flying fast towards Freedom's Progress.

The Journey had been mostly quiet as they all looked over their omni tools.

Miranda: We should be there shortly SHepard The Illusive man put us under your command. Do you have any orders?

Shepard: What did you find at the other colonies?

Shepard asked, getting right to the point.

Jacob was the one to answer.

Jacob: Nothing. No signs of attack, no corpses. Not even a trace of unusual genetic material to give us a clue. They just disappear. And we've got no target to go after.

Shepard: Our first priority is to look for survivors.

Miranda shook her head.

Miranda: That's unlikely Commander. No one was left at the other colonies. They were completely deserted.

Jacob: It would be nice to find somebody. Anything's better than another ghost town.

Minutes later the shuttle landed at Freedom's Progress. The shuttle doors opened and all four members of the team exited the shuttle and onto the grounds of Freedom's Progress.

The place was deathly quiet and the sense of unease permeated through the entire grounds.

You could come here with no knowledge of what had happened and still feel afraid and know something wasn't right.

Shepard [pulled out an M-3 Avenger Assault Rifle while Jacob pulled out a M-27 Scimitar. Miranda pulled out a M-3 tempest and Bishop pulled out 2 M-4 Shurikens that he dual wielded.

They entered the grounds of the colony to find no one was near. It made the area feel dark and decrepit. They passed by a dining table with food still prepared on it. Yet no one was near it.

Jacob: Looks like everyone just got up and left right in the middle of dinner.

The group exited the house and onto the next area that looked like it hadn't finished construction yet. Tools laid on the ground but aside from that no damage could be seen or felt.

Miranda: Strange. No bodies. No structural damage. No signs of battle.

Bishop: This has been seen before.

Bishop was referring to the several other colonies that had been discovered in a similar way.

They walked towards a large door that would take them to another area of the colony however before they could get the door open they heard noises from the other side.

The noise sounded robotic and stating simple things like "searching" or "clear"

Jacob: Hear that? Sounds like FENRIS mechs.

Shepard: Yeah. Be ready.

Shepard got the door open only to be met with a trio of mechs in front of him.

He immediately fired his rifle, taking out all of them without missing a single shot.

It was good to see that Shepards skills have not deteriorated during his time of absence. The N7 training was notorious for being difficult but Shepard had completed it and now proudly wore the symbol on his armor.

Miranda: This is strange. The security systems were disabled at the other colonies.

Shepard: Then maybe someone survived and brought the mechs back online. Come on, let's keep looking.

The group did exactly that and continued to move through the colony in an attempt to find anyone.

They entered what looked to be a barraces of some kind only to be met with a group of Quarias standing around the room.

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