6. The Citadel

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Back inside the Normandy, Shepard was out of armor and leaned against the table inside of the conference room.

Jacob stood opposite of Shepard also leaning against the table.

Bishop stood next to the door and leaned on the wall.

Jacob: We've done all we could for Garrus. But he took a bad hit. The docs corrected some of it with surgical procedures and some cybernetics. Best we can tell, he'll have full functionality, but...

Jacob said before stopping when the door to the room opened and in walked Garrus with a bandage across the lower right side of his face. Some of the wounds could still be seen across the Turians mandible.

Garrus: Shepard.

Garrus greeted warmly.

Jacob and Shepard turned to him.

Jacob: Tough bastard. I didn't think he'd be up yet. Hmm. Proved me wrong.

Garrus walked into the room and the door shut behind him as he did.

Garrus: Nobody would give me a mirror. How bad is it?

Garrus said in a light hearted tone.

Shepard crossed his arms and answered in a joking manner as well.

Shepard: Hell Garrus, you were always ugly. Slap some face paint on there and no one will even notice.

Garrus let out a light laugh before wincing slightly.

Garrus: Oh don't make me laugh, damn it. My face is barely holding together as it is.

Garrus shook slightly before returning to being light hearted.

Garrus: Some women find facial scars attractive. Mind you, most of those women are Krogan.

Shepard shook his head at the comment.

Bishop noticed the way the Commander and the Turian spoke to each other. They were speaking like two friends rather than two soldiers.

It was odd usually when on a mission you were expected to focus on the mission and nothing else.

Jacob saluted the Commander before walking towards the exit.

Jacob: Let's go Bishop. Let's give them a moment.

Bishop simply glanced at the duo one last time before following Jacob out of the room.

With Jacob and Bishop now gone Garrus looked back towards Shepard getting a little more serious.

Garrus: I have to be honest Shepard. I'm a little more worried about you. Cerberus Shepard? You remember those sick experiments they were doing?

Shepard nodded. During their hunt for Saren they encounter Cerberus. Several of Cerberus' operatives even tried to kill them.

Shepard: That's why I'm glad you're here Garrus. If I'm walking into hell, I want someone I trust at my side.

Garrus: You realize that this plan has me walking into hell, too. Heh. Just like old times.

Garrus let out a jovial sigh.

Garrus: So what's your guess on the crew?

Shepard thought for a moment before answering.

Shepard: Jacob is a former Alliance soldier. Good with a gun and follows orders. Good guy who wants to help anyway he can.

Garrus nodded at Shepards assessment.

Shepard: Miranda' loyal to Cerberus and quick on her feet. Seems to analyze everything.

Garrus: Noticed her when I was coming up here. Seems laser focused.

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