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"HYDRA doesn't like leaks

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"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell informed as Sam drove the group back to his place.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam asked bitterly.

"Insights launching in 16 hours." Nat said leaning forward from the back seat, "we're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve nodded.

"What? Are you crazy?" Sitwell exclaimed, "that is a terrible, terrible idea."

"Okay, you listen here—" Jessica started but before she could finish they heard a loud thud and someone broke the window dragging Sitwell out of the car and throwing him into oncoming traffic.

Nat and Jessica looked at each other in shock before averting their attention on the man on the car roof.

Nat quickly jumped into the front with Steve as the man shot through the roof, just missing Jessica as she rolled over to avoid the shot.

Sam slammed his foot on the brake making the unknown man fall off the roof and landing in the middle of the road in front of them, but he was completely un-injured.

Nat lifted up her hand gun ready to shoot, but before she got a chance a black car rammed into them making Sam step on the gas.

The man took the opportunity to jump on top of the car again, shooting shots at Jessica.

Jessica noticed Nat trying to pick up her gun, "here. Use mine." Jessica offered Nat her gun, Nat took it without hesitation and started to shoot at the soldier as he reached in and ripped the steering wheel out of the car.

Steve grabbed his three friends tightly, "hold on!" Steve shouted before busting the door off its hinges and the four of them fell onto the road.

The four quickly stood up when they noticed the soldier coming towards them with a machine gun.

He fired a shot at Steve which he managed to block with his shield but it made an explosion sending Steve flying through a bus windscreen.

Sam quickly grabbed Jessica hand and pulled her with him to hide before a car as Nat hid behind the car opposite them as they kept getting shot at.

When the soldier wasn't looking, Jessica stood up and did a flip over the car she was hiding behind and ran towards the soldier managing to kick the gun out of his hand.

He quickly turned towards Jessica and threw a punch, which she instantly dodged before shooting at him.

Jessica's eyes widened as the soldier grabbed her wrist harshly making her drop her gun as he twisted her wrist. Jessica screamed in pain as the soldiers metal arm collided with her jaw and she fell to the ground as he grabbed his gun off the floor and walked back over to Nat and started to shoot at her again.

Sam saw what happened and quickly ran over to his friend, "Jess. You okay?" Jessica nodded as she slowly stood up.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Jessica said before gesturing behind Sam as she watched someone sneak up on him.

Sam nodded before turning around and stabbing the man in the chest before kicking him off the bridge that they stood on.

"Let's go!" Sam called out to Jessica before they both ran to help Nat and Steve.

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