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Jessica quickly stepped out of her hiding place and started shooting at Pietro and Wanda, them easily dodging every shot because of their abilities, Jessica however forgot they had these abilities so it shocked her when Pietro bolted towards Thor ...

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Jessica quickly stepped out of her hiding place and started shooting at Pietro and Wanda, them easily dodging every shot because of their abilities, Jessica however forgot they had these abilities so it shocked her when Pietro bolted towards Thor and Wanda threw Jessica at a wall.

Jessica grunted as she went to stand up but she was quickly pushed back down by Pietro.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro asked with a sly smirk before bolting away, Jessica sighed in disappointment as Nat helped her up.

"You okay?" Nat questioned.

"Yeah, but that guy is really starting to piss me off." Jessica replied as she loaded her gun angrily.


Jessica watched as Steve took down Pietro, "stay down, kid." Steve spoke before walking away allowing Jessica walk over to Pietro.

"I bet you didn't see that one coming." Jessica laughed jokingly making Pietro smile as Jessica started to walk away but she groaned when Wanda blasted her into a wall again.

Jessica quickly stood up and charged towards Wanda, trying to fight against her telekinesis by doing sneaky flips around Wanda but Jessica ended up on the ground again.

"Steve, Wanda's to strong. I can't take her." Jessica panted through her earpiece before she got mind warped by Wanda.

"Who evers standing we gotta move." Clint said through his earpiece as Jessica stood up, "guys?"

Jessica froze when she walked into a room, a room identical to the living room in her old house, Jessica quickly turned around when she heard yelling, the same yelling she heard the night her parents died.

Out of curiosity, Jessica walked into the kitchen of the house, and there, right in front of her, stood her parents. They were arguing, like always. Jessica turned to her left and spotted a young Jessica staring at her parents arguing, her face was like a blank canvas, she had no emotion.

A few seconds later, Jessica watched the younger version of herself walk away before the FBI barged in and soon enough the sound of gunshots filled the air and Jessica sobbed along with her younger self as she watched her parents die, again.

Jessica screamed before she was back in the real world.

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