𝐈; a dream of butterflies

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Do angels exist in this world?

The topic piques your curiosity, it's a seemingly simple question but in truth, a very complex matter. Despite being told countless times by the adults surrounding you that you would learn the answer when you were older, you remain unconvinced. How could there be any rational basis for believing in the existence of beings that defy the laws of nature? Obviously, because they didn't exist, was the only logical conclusion you came to. Which is why the true answer to that question was even more baffling. Not based in logic or facts, not even in emotions, but rather in pure faith. People simply placed their faith in angels.

So ultimately, it was a boring conclusion. Faith doesn't amount to much.

However, it was brought to your attention once more. As a child who worked in the army, you were exposed to a wide array of different tales and rumors on a regular basis. You suppose that because of your age, the soldiers find it easier to gossip about things that were typically forbidden for anyone except the higher echelons of the army. One particular rumor has swept through the ranks like wildfire. They whisper in hushed tones about a girl, a mere child, who wields the power to heal with a single glance. It's a notion so absurd, so far-fetched, that it's almost insulting to you.

Abilities were rare.

Abilities that could heal were even rarer.

You liked to think you had always prided yourself on your sense of logic and reason, of course, never allowing your rationality to distract you from your duties. For example, even if you think a man would be better off dead, you would still complete the bare minimum. Taking them to rest, checking on their injuries every so often; just how a dutiful nurse should. You believe in pure, unadulterated facts and what you place your faith in is irrefutable logic. Believing in something as bizarre as a healer with supernatural abilities is what an idiot would do, and you assure yourself, you were beyond that.

However, as wounded soldiers return from the front lines with their injuries miraculously vanishing, you can't refute the possibility for much longer. The cynical part of you scoffs at the very idea of miracles and extraordinary powers. The soldiers themselves must have witnessed enough bloodshed to last them a few lifetimes, yet they still cling to such fleeting fantasies.

War is a grim, unyielding reality, and it doesn't bow to the whims of wishful thinking.

Yet much to your chagrin, the rumors didn't stop, they only grew in numbers. It grew increasingly difficult to ignore how the wounded men gradually recover with seemingly impossible speed from their injuries. The description of being able to mend injuries in the blink of an eye, tending to soldiers on the verge of death with a smile began to sound more plausible.

You gaze at her from a distance, not daring to go closer towards the angel they called Yosano Akiko. The rumors that had circulated about her were as elusive as fireflies in the night, but today, you finally saw her with your own eyes. With dark ebony locks of hair that sway in the wind, her magenta orbs were reminiscent of precious jewels that swirl with pity as she treats the wounded. To say the least, the descriptions you heard of her left much to be desired...You would've thought they were made by some lovesick poet, rather than grown men fighting for their lives on the battlefield.

You didn't quite understand why people used such exaggerations and metaphors. She seemed like any other person you could find on the streets. Sure, maybe she really does have an aura of kindness and an air of grace with every step she takes, but was that truly enough to be bestowed such a grand title like 'angel'? Yet, as you watched her, you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. She was undeniably special, and whether she was an 'angel' or not, her presence had a certain flare to it that was unfathomably delightful.

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