𝐈𝐕; lotus's deceit unveiled

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You were surprised when Atsushi came up to you, lowering his head slightly. His expression seemed a bit nervous as he stammered, "Sorry, I...uhm, forgot to give you this back." He fumbled with his words but gave you a sincere enough thanks nonetheless. 'A towel..?' You thought, puzzled by the item, 'When did I give him that?'

"There's no need for you to thank me," You responded curtly, not wanting to make a big deal out of such a trivial matter.

Atsushi seemed to be genuinely gladdened by your words, and an awkward but endearing smile spread across his face. "Right..." He said. You couldn't help but find it a bit peculiar that he was so delighted over an incredibly mundane gift like a towel. He thanked you once more, and then, with a noticeable pep in his step, turned and walked away. You watched him go, still a little baffled by the whole interaction until you heard a familiar chuckle from behind the corner, "Yosano?" You asked, recognizing her presence immediately. Her heels clicked against the ground as she walked towards you with a smile.

"Seems like you two have already become friends; you are quite the social butterfly nowadays," She teased, her amusement evident in her voice.

Knowing her personality all too well, you reply, "And what about you? Atsushi-Kim is our newest member, shouldn't you have greeted him?" You questioned, eyebrow raised in pretend irritation.

Yosano shrugged indifferently, "Eh, I can do that later. There's a client waiting upstairs," She said, as her eyes gleamed with a hint of disappointment. "I do hope that at least one person gets injured on this one, I've been suffering from boredom ever since my last operation."

You chuckled at her morbid sense of humor. Agency members were taking extra precautions on missions now, mainly to avoid ending up in Yosano's office and going through her unique 'treatment.' With all of his reckless suicide attempts, Dazai would've been a daily patient of hers but his ability that nullifies others without exception has kept him safe so far, much to his dismay. He would've welcomed her treatment with open arms when he first joined, but thanks to the President's orders and Yosano's refusal, it never came to that. Recently, though, he'd been making comments about committing a double-suicide with a woman.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the thought, not having high hopes for that plan either.

As you ascended the stairs to the office, you found a woman with striking blonde hair and professional attire seated opposite both Tanizaki and Atsushi. Tanizaki began, "So, you've mentioned that you'd like to request an investigation, but what type of investigation are we speaking of?"

Being the ever so polite gentleman he is, Dazai took it upon himself to hold the woman's hand with a charming smile. "Beautiful...You're a lady as ethereal and elegant as a lotus blossom. Would you be willing to join me in a double suici-" Dazai's words were cut short as Kunikida's fist connected with his jaw, sending him flying across the hall. "Apologies for the disturbance. Don't worry, please continue," Kunikida said, his tone as stern as ever as he closed the door behind him. Behind the closed door, there seemed to be a lot of berating involved, making the three agency members and the client lean their heads in concern to take a closer look. The woman watched in confusion but swiftly returned her attention to the ongoing conversation. "Regarding my request..." She hesitated.

"Y-Yes?" Tanizaki replied nervously, a bit flustered by the unusual scene that had just taken place.

The woman continued, her face etched with concern, "Well, it seems there's recently been a group of unsavory people loitering in my company building's back alley."

"By 'unsavory,' do you mean..."

Her lips formed a troubled frown, and her eyes looked down in apprehension as she explained the following, "They're dressed in rags. Some of them have been heard speaking in a foreign language."

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