𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈; traitor bound by chains

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"Atsushi?" He grumbled, most likely he didn't know him.

"The weretiger that the Port Mafia received a bounty on, the very same tiger that two of your co-workers tried to kill. We wanted to know who put the price tag on his head in the first place." You explain, a little sarcasm present in your voice.

"You wanted to know so bad that you put your life on the line? That's normal coming from Dazai but what reason do you have? What, you a suicide-obsessed fan like he is? I'd like to say that's heartwarming, but look where Dazai ended up." You didn't even notice his hands wrapped around Dazai's neck. "Even prodigies like him eventually end up worthless, hm? Youngest executive in the Mafia's history?"

A grin appeared on Dazai's face, infuriating Chuuya. "What's so damn funny?"

"There will be a meeting between the top five executives tomorrow," He said ominously.

That notion seemed to rattle the executive. "Impossible. That's an important meeting that only even happens once every several years to determine what decisions to make as an organisation. If there was going to be one, I would've been notified."

"The reason it's happening is a certain letter I sent the other day to the higher-ups of the Port Mafia. So, I'm going to predict this now. You're not going to kill me, or my colleague over there. Moreover, you'll tell me where to find information on who's paying the weretiger bounty before leaving this room." The bitter realisation dawns upon you, Dazai didn't even know the location that he expected you to find the details about Atsushi, and this was part of his plan all along. "And when you leave, you'll walk away and act like a little rich girl."

". . .What?"

"My predictions always come true. I think you know that," He said with confidence.

"What can you even hope for right- A letter? You mentioned a letter." Chuuya glares at the both of you.

"The letter says this, 'Should an agency member fall, all of your secrets will come to light.' " Dazai explained.

"You bastard! You didn't-"

"Now you've caught a former executive turned traitor as well as a member of the Armed Detective Agency. But the deal included a letter that would ensure the organisation's secrets to be disclosed if I, or any other detective happen to die tonight." Dazai continues, "If the public prosecuter's office got ahold of those secrets, all the Port Mafia executives could be executed a hundred times over. That's more than enough of a threat to trigger the meeting."

"The Port Mafia isn't so weak that a threat like that would make them panic. You'll die. All of you will."

Dazai interrupted his threats, "Sure, sure. But that'll be the council's decision. If you kill either of us before your granted permission, your action would be considered an act of betrayal. You'd be discharged or, at worse, executed."

"And even if I look past all of those factors and executed you, you'd just be happy because you managed to die and saved everybody else at the agency in one move," Chuuya spat.

"So yeah, go ahead if you want." Chuuya looks to be conflicted, but eventually looks up at you two. But just as he was about to open his mouth, Dazai couldn't resist the opportunity to poke fun at his reluctance. "Come on, hurry. Come on we're waiting-" He stabs his knife into the wall, a thin line of blood trickles down Dazai's face. His glare turns to you, your smile seeming almost mocking at his circumstances. You, on the other hand, were a little worried at how harshly he stared at you. 'Was it something I said?' You thought.

"Oh? You're not going to? 'Chuuya driven out of the Mafia because of me' has a nice ring to it as well."

The man pauses as he tried to lift up his coat from the ground. "Wait, don't tell me...So your second reason was to force me to make that impossible decision just now?" Dazai smiles. "In actuality, you two were waiting for me," He blurted out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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