for :: tojosh !!

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no title -- jeongcheol

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-we are finally together, seungcheol.- jeonghan said as he walked down the street holding hands with his lover.

-we have been together for 4 years now. what makes you say that?- he stopped abruptly and looked at the boy next to him.

-oh. I didn't meant it in this way. I was just thinking... how about marriage? we know each other so well and I... I love you very much, cheol. we could be free, adopt a child and-

-are you feeling alright? because this idea is so stupid.- the stars in the sky shone in an irritating way while jeonghan's face formed a grimace, as if he was going to cry at any moment.

-don't you like it?- they looked at each other, words were said but it seemed that the silence spoke louder.

-I like it, yes. but aren't we still young? we have so much to live. what if we regret the decision? I can't continue my life knowing that I did something bad to you. or to myself.- he turned his face down and removed his hand lightly.

-but we have to take risks, choi seungcheol! are you going to live afraid of everything forever? because I do not want that. I want to live the moment.- tears began to form as his face formed an angry expression.

-let's talk about this later.- seungcheol tried to take jeonghan's hand again.

-are you kidding me? talk about this later? the stupid one is you, you know that.- he spoke while pushing and hitting his beloved, crying like there's no tomorrow.

-calm down, hannie. take a breath.

-don't ever call me that again. you know what? let's break up. this is not going to work. our relationship is not going to work. forget about me, alright? I wish you a great life, seungcheol.- and so, with no response from the other, jeonghan left.

walking back to his house, jeonghan felt dumb. four years of relationship thrown in the trash because of him. it's his fault. how can he end things with cheol, the love of his life, in two seconds? marriage, why did he even think about that? like he heard before, it's a stupid idea. just like him.

but also, why didn't seungcheol say anything? what was he thinking? did he love jeonghan as much as jeonghan loved him? actually, that's impossible. jeonghan would die for him.

1 year ago

-see? we don't have to fight anymore. we can just talk like we are doing right now.- seungcheol said with a big smile on his face, happy for having such a lovely boyfriend.

-yeah... I love you more than anything, cheol. I can't lose you.- jeonghan hugged his lover.

-I love you too, hannie. and I promise, we will be te happiest couple forever!

-pinky promise?

-pinky promise.


he promised. he can't go away. he said he was going to stay with jeonghan forever and ever and.... why?

a week later

to say jeonghan was heartbroken was an understatement. it had been a week. a week since his greatest love left him, alone and unprotected. he admitted, he did broke up, but seungcheol didn't do anything at all.

he checked his cellphone every second waiting for a message from the one he loved most in the whole world. hours passed, and no response appeared.

sitting on the sofa wrapped in his covers, the boy was watching a random TV program when suddenly his cell phone started ringing. with lightning speed he picked up the device and immediately answered the call without even looking at the name of the caller.

-hi, seungcheol! I miss you so much, please let's talk-

-hello. do you know choi seungcheol?- a strange voice spoke and suspiciously, jeonghan looked at the contact name: love❤️.

-uhm... yes. who are you?

-I am a secretary of seoul's hospital. with great sadness, we announce that seungcheol is dead. I am so sorry.

-WHAT? you are kidding, right? this can't be happening...

-he was in a traffic accident this morning. unfortunately, the other driver came suddenly and at an unimaginable speed. we tried to save him, but he didn't survive. again, I am so sorry.

this morning

seungcheol was happy. he was going to jeonghan's house after buying their rings, marriage rings, and a bouquet. he thought a lot and figured that yes, he wanted to marry jeonghan. especially on their anniversary.

they fought but that only increased his motivation. he knew that it was their last fight. they will be happy forever.

leaving his small apartment after getting everything he needed, he closed the door and walked to his car. he chose a song to listen to while driving. "dandelions" by ruth b started playing.

4 years ago

-yes, I do.- jeonghan screamed, full of happiness, running to seungcheol's arms.

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

-do you hear this song, cheol? I'm sure that it's playing for us!

-yes, hannie. the universe knows that I'm the happiest guy in the word for having you on my side.


the excitement was big. the only thing on his mind was the "yes, i do" from jeonghan once again. he loved jeonghan and he knew that jeonghan loved him back. they are soulmates.

the song stopped and a new one started. "love me like you do" by ellie goulding.

2 years ago

-please, cheol! let me buy this.

-no, hannie. I don't have enough money.

-pretty please.- jeonghan put his hands together and made the famous puppy dog ​​face. how can seungcheol resist this?


-oh my god, thank you so much.- to show his gratitude, the two kissed in a kiss full of passion and love.

You're the light, you're the night
You're the colour of my blood


listening to the song, everything was alright. they knew that their love was stronger than anything.

well, it wasn't stronger than the car.

in a flash, a crazy driver crashed into seungcheol and just like that, everything that he loved was erased. jeonghan was erased from him forever. or was it the opposite?



-I love you.



-I love you too.

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