Secret |2|

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I caught up to Amy. She was really fast for a 10 year old. She looks quite excited to come to school. I'm glad. I haven't seen her that excited in a while.

"Brucey?" I heard Amy call my name. I turned to look at her. Her voice sounded kind of raspy.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks down at the floor. She starts kicking a rock, which fell onto the street because she kicked it really hard.

"Do you think I'll be able to make friends?"

Amy is a very touching person. She likes hugging people. Especially if it's someone she loves.

She also loves making new friends. But she is always so worried that she'll make a mistake that'll make everyone hate her somehow. Which has never happened. Mainly because she's never gone to school, but still.

"Amy, you will make friends. Who wouldnt want to be friends with you?" I hope my words can make her laugh or at least feel a little better.

Amy finally looked up from the ground and smiled. She stopped walking. I stare at her, confused. It was pretty early so we don't have to worry about being late or anything. She wipes the tears that were beginning to form and hugs me in a tight embrace.

It took me a few seconds to process what was happening. But when I did, I wrapped my hands around Amy, getting rid of her tears.

She let go and smiled brightly.

"Feeling better?" I say with a smile.

She nods her head and continued to walk with me.

Before we knew it, we were already at the school. God, now I feel even more nervous. I start backing up slowly, feeling a little intimidated by the sudden feeling that's coming from inside the school. It's like a bit of darkness.

I was about to walk back home, but I feel Amy grab my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Brucey, don't feel intimidated. You can get through this"

She's right. We came this far so there's no turning back. Amy let's go of my hand and goes inside. I breathe in for a couple of seconds, then I breathe out. I go inside the school as soon as I feel my courage go up a little.

Thanks to us getting here early, there isn't that much people here. I felt so relieved.

I walked deeper into the school. I grab a piece of paper out of my pocket, which is my locker number and my classes.

I looked closely at the paper and begin walking to my locker.

I found my locker. I look at it and I see there's no lock on the locker. I am kind of scared that someone will take my stuff. But I still need to leave my backpack in here.

I place my backpack inside the locker and I grab the books I need for my first class, shutting the locker soon after.

There is still plenty of time before school starts. What should I do now?

I decided to go behind the school. It smelled like cigarettes but if I just block out the smell, it looks beautiful.

I saw a bench near by so I decided to sit down right there.

"Brucey!" I hear yelling coming from behind me. I get a bit startled and I jump a little.

I turn around and see Amy and another girl. I guess Amy already made friends. Yet here I am.

"Amy? Where'd you go?"

"Sorry Brucey! I was trying to find my classes but got lost. But she helped me find my way back to the start!" Amy said, pointing at the girl beside her.

"My name is Gwen. Yours? Brucey?"

"Uhm, not quite. My name is Bruce" I say. She nods her head and looks at Amy.

Amy proceeded to tell her that 'Brucey' is just a nickname she likes to call Mr.

Gwen snickered a little and so did Amy. Amy stared at me and a smirk showed up on her face.

"Brucey. Do you have any friends yet? Or better yet, a girlfriend? Boyfriend?" Amy snickered again but Gwen looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Amy, it's our first day here. That last question is impossible"

Amy shook her head and continued laughing.

Gwen looks like she wants to say something. I look at Amy and signal her to say something. But of course, she isn't getting it.

I sigh softly and say "Gwen, is there something you want to say?"

She jumped slightly as I said that.

She looks at the ground, fidgeting with her fingers. I try softening my face, telling her that she can tell me whatever she wants, not to be afraid.

I guess it worked cause she immediately told me what was bothering her.

"Well, are you gay?"

Wow, I didn't expect her to say that. Damn it Amy. You and your big mouth.

I wasn't going to say anything but of course Amy had to say something.

"Nope! He's more Pan"

Gwen quickly nodded her head. Now that I think of it, Gwen kind of looks like someone I know. I can't put my finger on it though.

"I won't tell anyone! I promise!" Gwen yelled out very loudly.

I chuckled slightly and nod my head.

"I believe you"

Gwen smiled widely. She stared at me for a while. She had that look on her face again.

"Bruce" she called out to me.

"Yes?" I responded with. I really hope she doesn't say anything else that's really hard for me to respond.

"It's just me but-"

Chapter 2, done!

I did all of this during class so sorry if it isn't good 🥲

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