Secret |13|

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I don't know if I should be happy with this story or not 🥲 I was going to write a completely different start of this story but I didn't 🥲 I'm still going to complete this of course. It's just going to have less chapters then I was thinking since I am running out of ideas at the moment. I'm going to make the last few chapters great for whoever is still reading this! You know who you are.

"Sir, we have their location" a random voice spoke. Their voice seems to be a bit bubbly. Like they were under water.

The man they were speaking too, seemed quite happy with the words that came out of their mouth. He turned around, facing the one who spoke and gave them a tight hug.

"Thank you. Thank you for finding my princess" he said, tears streaming down his eyes. He pulled away from the hug.

The voice smiled and said "your highness, what will we do now?"

He sighed, not really knowing what he should do. He start remembering that day. The day his daughter, her husband and her kids left. He had no choice. He knew giving birth to more than one child is forbidden here. He was going to let it slide since it was his daughter. But his mother-in-law made him banish his own daughter.

His wife died while giving birth to her. He cried all night, but soon realized he should be strong for his daughter. So, he did just that. They were all happy. Years later, he found out his daughter was pregnant with her first child. She didn't tell him she was seeing someone, so this caught him by surprise.

He questioned her about everything. Soon, she introduced him to her boyfriend, Riku Nakamura. At first, he didn't like her boyfriend because he constantly tried to impress him. He gets it cause he wou9ld also try to impress the dad. But he hated it. He soon got used to it and didn't mind at all. He kind of liked his company.

His pov:

A lot of things happened since then. Their first baby was finally born. My daughter wanted to call him Ayan. But Riku decided Bruce was a better name. I agreed with him, so they named their first child, Bruce Yamada. Giving him my daughters last name because of traditions. Here, if we have a baby then we give them the mothers last name. And when they get married, they get their wife's last name too, since they already have their baby her last name.

I was happy I now have a grandson. He was the most cutest baby I have ever seen. He would never cry and make a tantrum. He was like an angel. I thought to myself 'I'm going to protect him at all cost' that's what I was going to do. Then, someone came running to me. Yelling about some nonsense. Telling me my daughter was giving birth to her second child. I froze in my place. I knew it was forbidden to have a second child, but I can't banish my own daughter and her poor children, especially right after her birth.

The word spread like fire and my mother-in-law found out. She scolded me and told me to banish her. She knew I wasn't going to be able to do it, so she took matters into her own hands and went behind my back and banish her, without me knowing. I only noticed when I went to her house and found she wasn't there, along with her belongings. I asked my mother-in-law and said she banished them. I was so angry, but I couldn't do anything except search everywhere for them. I didn't sleep at all. My only thought was to find them. No matter what happens, I would keep searching. I ordered my guards to go everywhere around the world and search for them until they get a lead or something that'll help us find them.

Years later, they finally found something. A scarf her mother left behind for her. Asked me to give it to her when she learns how to walk. It was the only lead we had. Then, we got a big lead when my mother-in-law went to the surface. My guards followed her and saw her go into a house. They took a quick peek and saw a few people in that house. One definitely looking like my daughter. They didn't want to barge in so they left to report back to me. Which is where we are now.

"I want to make sure she's actually her. Did you see anyone else in the house?" I said.

One of the guards nodded their head, saying "there was a total of 7 people inside, not including Madam Yamada."

I was starting to doubt if that was really her. There should only be 4 people in that house. My daughter, her boyfriend and their 2 kids. (He doesn't know they got married).

I sighed and sent them back to gather more information. I do have hope that she's there, but a part of me knows it isn't her. I just want it to be. Please, let it be her.

Chapter 13, done!

I honestly really liked this chapter! I came up with everything last minute, loll. I know I haven't put a lot of Brance in here or Rinney but I'll try putting some more of them in here! I hope you liked this chapter though!

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