Bucky Introduces His Fiancée

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Chapter 1

At the Avengers Tower, The Avengers were about to get a big surprise. Just then Bucky walks in the conference room with a beautiful young woman at his side. All of The Avengers turn around to see Bucky walking in with a beautiful young woman. Steve asks, "Buddy, who do you have here?" Bucky replied, "This is Kiera, my fiancée." Steve asked, "When did you get engaged and how long have you been together?" Bucky replied, "I have been seeing her for a while now, about 6 months. I met her the last time we went on a mission. I protected her from some stupid bastard that was harassing her, and things just went from there." Steve asked, "So you don't really know that much about her, Bucky." Bucky said, "I know all I need to know about her and that is I'm in love with her and she loves me." Steve tells Bucky, "I hope you are right, pal." Bucky starts to get upset, "Steve, why can't you just be happy for me?" Steve answered, "I am happy for you. I just don't want you to get hurt." Bucky replied, "I won't."

Just then Loki walks into the conference room, when Loki sees Kiera, he is instantly drawn to her. It was clearly love at first sight for him. Loki couldn't take his eyes off of her and was in complete awe of her beauty. When Bucky sees Loki, he motions for him to come over. Loki walks over to Bucky and Kiera. Bucky introduces Kiera to Loki, "Hey Loki, I want you to meet my fiancée Kiera." Loki looks at Kiera and says, "It's nice to meet you, Kiera." Bucky tells Kiera, "This is Loki, our newest Avenger. He also goes by the God of Mischief but don't let that worry you any." He laughed. Kiera looks at Loki and replies, "It's nice to meet you Loki." Even the sound of her voice turned Loki on, and he couldn't deny it. Loki was thinking to himself, "Even her name is perfect, Kiera. It sounds so sexy. I have to have her for myself. She's too perfect for Barnes. She deserves to have a god as her intended." Bucky notices that Loki got quiet and asks, "You OK Loki?" Loki realized that he was lost in thought and finally answered, "Yes, I'm fine Barnes." Bucky asks Loki, "Why can't you call me Bucky like everyone else?" Loki just looks at Bucky and replies, "Because I choose not to." Bucky replies, "Whatever Loki." Bucky looks at Kiera and asks, "Do you want to see the tower?" Kiera answered, "Yes, I would." As Bucky starts to show Kiera around, the alarm goes off. Bucky said, "Damn the alarm. I'm sorry doll, but I have to leave for a mission." Kiera answers, "That's Ok Bucky. I understand." Bucky looks at Loki and asks, "Loki, will you show my fiancée around?" Loki's eyes lit up and answered, "Of course. It would be my pleasure." Bucky then turns to Kiera and tells her, "I shouldn't be gone long, doll but Loki will take care of you while I'm gone." Loki just smiled to himself and thought, "Yeah, I will take care of her alright. In fact, I'll take better care of her than you." Steve asks Bucky, "Are you coming, buddy?" Bucky answered, "Yeah, I'm on my way, Steve." Bucky then turns to Kiera and tells her, "I have to go now, doll but I'm leaving you in good hands." Loki just smiles mischievously. Kiera asks, "Isn't Loki going too?" Bucky answered, "No, someone has to stay behind and watch after the tower and since Loki is still new to the team, he'll have to stay behind." Bucky leans over and gives Kiera a quick peck on the lips, then he leaves. Loki stood there shaking his head and thinking, "He could have given her more than a peck on the lips. After all she IS his intended. I know I would have. It just proves my point; he doesn't deserve her."

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