Loki Talks To Bucky

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Chapter 29

In Bucky's room, he was pacing the floor trying to figure out a way to get out of his room without being seen by the guards that were guarding his room. Bucky said to himself, "This is ridiculous. I'm being treated as a prisoner instead of a guest. I have to get out of here." Just then he hears the door open and turns to see who it is. To his surprise it was Loki. Bucky asked Loki, "What are you doing in here?" Loki was quiet for a moment then said, "I came here to talk to you." Bucky asked, "About what?" Loki said, "About Kiera." Bucky asked, "What about her? You won her heart, what else do you want?" Loki got quiet before speaking then he said, "Kiera thinks that she might be pregnant, but I told her that she didn't have anything to worry about because if she is then I'm the father.....no matter what." Bucky's eyes got big and asked, "Is she?" Loki said, "She's pretty sure she is but we don't know for sure yet." Bucky asked, "Why are you telling me all of this?" Loki said, "Because she thinks there's a possibility that the baby could be yours. So, I need to know if you and Kiera went all the way the night that you made love." Bucky said, "That's none of your business!" Loki said, "I think it is. So, I want to know."

Bucky was quiet for a moment then said, "No we didn't. She wouldn't let me, but I guess she allowed you to." Loki got quiet then asked, "What do you think?" Bucky said, "I don't think, I know it for a fact that she did." Loki said, "What do you expect? The guy who she was engaged to didn't give a damn about her because he went off and left her alone." Bucky said, "And I told you before, that it was my job! I didn't have a choice!" Loki said, "You had a choice, but you chose to make the wrong one. She was lonely and in need of companionship and I was there for her." Bucky said, "Well, you got her. So, why are you bothering me with all of this?" Loki replied, "Because I needed to know the truth." Bucky said, "Well, you got the truth. So, leave me alone!" Loki replied, "I will since I know the truth about what happened between the two of you." Bucky asked Loki, "What's wrong Loki, are you afraid that I AM the father? That would sure put a damper on your relationship with her, wouldn't it. Knowing that the baby that she's carrying is mine and not yours." Loki starts to get mad. Then he said, "No, I'm not worried about it because I KNOW that the baby is mine." Bucky said, "That's if she really is pregnant because you said that you weren't sure." Loki said, "No, I'm not sure but I plan on finding out. That's why I wanted to know the truth about the two of you." Bucky asked, "Well, you know the truth now. So, what are you going to do about it?" Loki stares at Bucky and says, "Not a thing because she's mine now and that's all that matters to me." Bucky asked, "Then why don't you let up on the guards around my room if you're not worried about anything? Loki said, "Because I still don't trust you to be around Kiera." After Loki talked to Bucky, he left his bedroom.        

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