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Hello dear readers, please note that this book is the sequel to Harriet Potter 1. Thank you for reading, I love seeing all of your votes and comments. Happy reading. ☺️

He could feel Harriet's tears soaking through the front of his shirt. He gave a pained sigh as he ran a hand through his long dark hair.

"It's just that I miss him so much" she sobbed.

"It sounds like you really loved him" he replied softly.

Harriet's quaking sobs seemed to echo through his own chest. He couldn't bear to see her so heartbroken.

He pressed a kiss to her hair, holding her against him and rocking her gently.

Harriet tilted her head upwards in his embrace, meeting his dark eyes. "You won't ever leave me, will you?"

"Not if I can help it" he replied.

He lifted a paw like hand to wipe the remaining tears from her lower lashes.

"Thank you, Sirius" she hicupped.

"It's my pleasure."

Harriet Potter 2Where stories live. Discover now