Birthday wish

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At dinner, Harriet watched as various order members trickled into the room, her breath catching at each swish of a black cloak. But it was never him.

After dinner, a knock on the door heralded the arrival of a new guest.

Harriet struggled to hide her smile when Severus walked through the door. Of course he wouldn't miss her birthday!

When his face turned towards her, Harriet's breath caught in her chest. His face was all wrong. The dark eyes she knew so well were closed to her. His familiar mask, usually reserved for others, had slipped into place.

Then Mrs Weasley was taking Snape's travelling cloak and ushering him in "So lovely of you to drop by for Harriet's birthday."

When he spoke, he did not return Mrs Weasley's smile, "I need to have a word with Miss Potter, alone."

Harriet wordlessly led him upstairs to her room. She could feel that something was terribly wrong.

The moment the door shut behind him, she threw her arms around him, burying her head into his chest "Sev, I missed you so much."

But his arms did not rise to return her embrace.

"Harriet" he said slowly.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. She felt the urge to keep talking so that he couldn't say whatever he was about to say. "Sirius picked me up from the Dursley's on his new bike-"


"You should have seen their faces Sev-"

He took her by the shoulders, holding her away from him at arms length.

"Harriet listen to me."

Harriet finally fell silent, meeting his intense stare. She had never seen this expression on his face before. He looked worn, angry, defeated.

When he spoke again his voice cracked "last year you promised me that you wouldn't be reckless. That I could count on you not to put us both into danger."

"But I-"

"Harriet you showed me that I can't count on you. How am I supposed to trust your promises when you broke the only one I ever asked you for?"

"Sev, I'm sorry-"

He shook his head. "Harriet, this isn't going to work. We can't be together anymore."

Harriet was dimly aware of a sudden numbness stealing over her. She couldn't move or speak. She felt as though her knees were about to give way beneath her.

"I brought you a birthday present" he said stiffly, thrusting a wrapped package into her hand. Harriet wasn't aware of taking it, but somehow she found herself clutching it nevertheless.

"Happy birthday Potter."

Then he had turned and was leaving the room.

Harriet stood unmoving where he'd left her.

Minutes after Severus left, Ron entered the room "come on Harri, everyone's waiting for you downstairs, it's time for cake. Mum's made your favourite."

Harriet glanced at the package in her hands before throwing it into her trunk without opening it.

Numbly Harriet followed Ron downstairs, back to the dining room. The room was bright and raucous, filled with the smiling faces of her friends. It would have been a perfect moment if only-

As she entered the room everyone began to sing as she took her seat. "Happy Birthday to you-"

Sirius dimmed the lights as the song drew to a close.

In the dark, Harriet finally felt hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

Harriet must have sat there for a moment too long because Sirius was now leaning across George to murmur in her ear. "Time to blow out the candles, princess."

As Harriet closed her eyes and blew, only one wish burned in her mind.

She wiped her eyes and drew in a deep breath.

Clapping filled the room and the lights came back on.

Someone pressed a cake knife into her hand and before she realised she was doing it, Harriet was slicing the cake.

"You 'ave to kiss the closest male" Fleur insisted, shoving Gabriel forward, "eet's tradition."

George grinned as he smoothly elbowed Gabriel out of the way and leaned towards her "fair is fair. Now pucker up, Potter."

For a fleeting second Harriet pressed her lips to George's.

She closed her eyes and for a moment it was as though she had him back. As though he'd never left.

Then her eyes were open again, looking straight into George's grinning face.

Around them whistles and clapping sounded.

Something cracked in her chest. Though she knew Severus wouldn't have minded, somehow it still felt like a betrayal.

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