Birthday morning

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Harriet was woken by the familiar sound of two successive pops, as two of her favourite people apparated straight onto her bed.

"Happy birthday Harri" the twins said in unison.

When Harriet sat up, the strap of her red silk chemise slipped off her shoulder "it's too early for this" she grumbled.

"It's never too early for presents" Fred replied, handing her a large box.

"Don't shake it!" George added, his eyes widening in alarm as Harriet tore the wrapping paper off the box to reveal a large assortment of Weasley Wizarding Wheezes products.

The door flung open and Hermione, Ron and Ginny entered the room.

"Oh I've always wanted one of these!" Ron said, immediately plunging his hand into the box.

To Harriet's surprise, Ginny looked annoyed.

"What's up with you?" Ron asked.

"She's driving me mad" Ginny replied "she talks to me as though I'm three."

"I know! She's so full of herself" Hermione added.

Harriet was astonished to hear them talking about Mrs Weasley this way and privately agreed when Ron told them to "leave her alone."

"Oh we know you like having her around. You are just hoping she'll kiss you" Ginny replied irritably.

Harriet was starting to suspect they weren't talking about Mrs Weasley.

Then the door shot open, answering the question before she could ask it. Fleur shot her a warm smile as she set a breakfast tray across Harriet's lap. "'Arriet, eet has been too long. I 'ave been longing to see you. You remember my leetle brother Gabriel? He has been so excited to see you."

For a moment Harriet had a flashback to the second triwizard tournament challenge when she had first met Gabriel, clutching the blond boy around the waist as she rose to the surface of the lake and drew in a huge gulp of air. Water had clung to his dark lashes as he turned to cast a dazzling smile upon Harriet. For a moment she had felt dazed, until Ron surfaced beside them, breaking the moment.

"Of course" Harriet replied, and the door widened to admit him.

Gabriel had grown, Harriet noted when she met his warm caramel gaze. "'Ello 'arriet" he greeted, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, without breaking eye contact. For a moment everything felt a little hazy. When he cast her a dazzling smile, a strange buzzing seemed to fill her ears.

Harriet turned away quickly, shaking her head to dislodge the buzzing.

"Gabriel is here with me for the summer as I plan for my wedding to Bill" Fleur smiled.

"Oh congratulations" Harriet replied, and Fleur beamed at her.

"Mum said that the whole order is coming by for your birthday dinner" Ron said as he tucked into Harriet's breakfast.

Harriet felt hope blossom in her chest at the thought that she would be seeing Severus that evening. She hadn't heard from him since she had left Hogwarts and his absence was a constant ache in her chest. She knew that Voldemort would be very angry with his death eaters after the events at the ministry and worried about him.

She smiled as she looked around the room at her friends. This was the first birthday that Harriet hadn't spent with the Dursleys, and it definitely made for a pleasant change.

As she spent the day playing backyard quidditch with her friends, Harriet knew that she was going to remember this day for as long as she lived.

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