Un-ex-pected encounter

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After breakfast, Harriet found Sirius alone in the lounge room reading the Daily Prophet.

"Hey Sirius, do you know where Gabriel is? I went by his room but he wasn't there."

Grimauld Place seemed to be an endless maze of rooms and corridors, and Harriet didn't know Gabriel well enough to know where he spent his time.

Sirius offered Harriet a wolfish smile, lowering the newspaper to meet her gaze "Oh I see how it is. Found your distraction then?"

"No, it's not like that" Harriet sighed "I just wanted to return something I borrowed-"

Sirius seemed unconvinced as he replied "if you say so, Harri. He's enjoying the French tomes in the library. Apparently he's something of a bookworm."

"Thanks Sirius" Harriet replied before turning to the door.

Before she could leave, Sirius spoke again "are you alright Harri?"

"I'm fine" she replied, her voice sounding stilted even to her own ears.

"If you ever need anything from me, I'll be right here waiting for you to ask."

Harriet pondered Sirius' words as she meandered her way to the library, Gabriel's shirt clutched in her fist. She didn't even know what she needed to feel better. She could only think of one thing that could make her feel whole again and he-

As Harriet entered the library she saw Gabriel's gleaming golden head bent low over a book, apparently completely absorbed in its contents.

Harriet started toward him when she stopped dead in her tracks.

On the other side of the library sat a familiar dark figure scowling at a book. His unnatural stillness betrayed his awareness of her as he maintained an unmoving focus on the tome in his lap. How could she ever unlearn her instinctive understanding of his body language?

Harriet's mind seemed frozen as she struggled to process the unexpected sight. Severus was here. Right now. In the library. Had he stayed the night?

His dark hair hid his face from her view. Harriet longed to push it back from his face, to force his dark gaze to meet hers.

She hadn't expected to see him and the sight of him brought a jumble of confused emotions to the surface. Harriet longed for him even as she hated him, or rather the way he had broken her heart. She wanted him to feel the way she did, torn with pain and longing.

She stood rooted to the spot, unable to will her legs to move.

Harriet watched Gabriel glance up from his book at last. His eyes flicked between her and Snape before his facial expression shifted with understanding.

He rose to his feet in an instant crossing to where she stood, before gripping her in warm embrace.

Gabriel's lips met her ear in a gentle whisper "Eets okay. I've got you."

Harriet wasn't exactly sure what he meant, but she was instantly grateful for his presence.

Drawing back, he bowed before her, pressing his lips to the back of her hand. "Eet has been too long,'Arriet."

"But I only saw you last night-"

Gabriel offered a warm smile in reply, his eyes widening pointedly as he subtly tilted his head toward the other occupant of the library. Oh! was he trying to help her make Snape jealous?

His voice was pitched slightly louder than it needed to be when he continued "I'ope you slept well."

Harriet cleared her throat "I just wanted to return your shirt."

Snape twitched from where he sat in a chesterfield armchair, and Harriet felt a momentary surge of satisfaction, even as a sharp stab of pain jabbed at her chest.

Gabriel's full mouth curved into a smile "Thank you 'Arriet. Are you sure you do not wish to keep it?"

Harriet's eyes darted to Severus again and she allowed her tone to soften "well it was very comfortable to sleep in."

Both of Gabriel's hands rose to grasp hers, pushing the shirt back towards her. His voice deepened voice as he replied "eet's yours. Eet looks better on you anyway."

Harriet fought back tears as she remembered when she'd slept in Severus' shirt, the scent of him preventing her from finding rest. And now he was sitting across the library acting like a stranger.

Gabriel offered her a gentle nod, prompting Harriet to speak again.

Her voice sounded strangled as she fought to appear nonchalant, "Thanks Gabe."

How could he sit there unmoving as though he wasn't dying inside, the way she was?

"Eet is my pleasure, 'Arriet. If you need any more clothes, or 'elp removing them again, you know where to find me."

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