Silly life update

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(the above image is my new PC background lol)

Firstly, I just want to say, thank you to the people who came back and supported my return. I feared that if I took a break I would lose my audience, but that actually didn't happen! I still get comments on HDVS every day, and it still blows my mind. Thank you all!

With that being said, I thought I had literally lost my touch with fanfiction. I started writing HDVS in August, Posted it in September, and now, here we are, with over 15k views and a ending still needing to be decided. 

It was a sad thought that I lost my touch in writing after it was so short-lived, but thankfully, that ended up not being the case. I've thought a LOT about two certain homo idiots in the past week, with animation and fanart ideas crawling at every corner. However, I knew that only a few fanart ideas would ever come to be, and I literally can't animate despite having Rough-Animator from my February lessons and some basic knowledge. 

Perhaps a Animatic or Comic if I have the time and dedication. 

But that's not the point. What is the point is that after staring at my ceiling for an hour last night thinking of yet another Husker-dust story, I decided Frick it, and logged onto Google Docs.

 I was scared because the last time I wrote something was the very uninspired, and I admit, regretful, TADC One-shot. 

One-shots aren't my thing, I LOVE plot and exploring characters. It took me a while to realize that, but I'm okay with it. I'm considering deleting it, but I may keep it open for a few more months. 

I ended up writing 10 whole pages, which may not sound like a lot for me. But before this I was using ARIAL, size TWELVE. This is a much more normal font and size of Spectral, 9, Which is different than how I was previously comparing page lengths.  (It already has 5k words, for a final comp.)

Some lines I still laugh at when I reread them. So that's nice. This one isn't going to be a one-shot, but rather a collection of longer stories all compiled in the same story, if that makes sense. I might post it soon, but I feel hesitant to after my abandonment of HDVS and that audience. (for now.)

Even so, I have it, and I really like it so far. I've stated before that I usually write between 1-4 AM, which produces golden lines like "Barbie Arachnid." 💀

I've noticed some genuine improvement in dialouge, pacing, and descriptions of setting. While I do love my reboot Wally fic, it's biggest flaw is all of those things. I feel like with such a setting as the 2000's, I could've done a lot more research and immersed people more. Pacing and dialouge are merely inexcusable.

 In the matter of a week, the entire 30-chapter story occurs, which I'm not sure is lazy or an accident. I'm sorry if you noticed it, and even more so If you only did after I recognized it. 

When reading A03's AMAZING "Smile man" fanfic, I noticed that not only was the setting and characters much more fleshed out, but after a character said something there would be an ACTION, not a line like "he said," or "she said." 

This made me notice a glaringly obvious problem in my own fic, which was just that. There was almost never an action after a line, only "Character said," which is really shitty on my part. 

I am an Autistic perfectionist, so it's my pure nature to recognize these flaws in my own work and improve them. It's the reason my art style changes so rapidly, and grows so fast, because I work on it until I am finally satisfied, which is never. It's both a huge strength and flaw of my personality.

 I am also aware that I am younger, but I still want to improve to the point of producing quality content, art, and stories, just like any Adult would. I don't really think of it as unhealthy, it's simply constant motivation to do better!

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