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Zayn's POV

I'm waking up to the morning sickness, again and again. I finally gave myself up and let Liam brought me to see a doctor. That's why the doctor now sitting in front me, shaking my hand with "congratulations, you'll be parents."

But instead I'm staring into the blank wall behind the doctor. My mind starts to empty, but scary thoughts are approaching. I'm pregnant. And there's a fetus inside me, three weeks aged.

Liam knows me, he knows what to do. He has his hand on my back, rubbing slowly. He tries to bring me back to life. Tears are starting to fall down, and I don't even realize that I'm now crying into his chest. I don't want this. I never want to get pregnant again. No. And with Mr.Styles'. What if Liam know? This baby isn't his at all.

He mutters something like 'thank you' to the doctor and pulling me to get up with him. We walk out of the hospital with me still crying, wrapped by his arm. He carries me up in bridal style and put me in his car.

We drive home in silence. I'm only starring out of the window, to the road with quiet sobs. I feel his hand holding mine, rubbing my knuckle slowly. Only causing me to sobbing louder, then go crying again. He stops the engine, unbuckle his seatbelt and mine. He pulls me into a real tight hug. He kisses my head multiple times, whispering sweet nothing to my ear.

"I know.." he kisses my cheek, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. "I know everything and you don't have to worry. We will always stay together and no matter what happens. You have me, Zayn. Nothing to worry about."

"I d-don't want this b-baby, Liam"

He sushes me, saying it's okay and we gotta keep the baby. He tells me that I don't need to be afraid with getting pregnant. But still, I don't want this.

"I'll stay with you." He says, pulling away slowly. He begs me to stop the tears, but I just can't. It's not that easy. I feel pressured, forced. I hate Mr. Styles for making me feel this way. He used me. He breaks me inside and out, ruining everything I thought I can keep.

But here's Liam, choosing to stay rooting for me. Even though he already knows that this baby isn't his. I'm lucky to have him, but I'm not worth it. It musts be hard for him, knowing his husband getting pregnant with someone else's baby.

Once I get calmed, he sits back to his seat then starts the engine and pulling off. He drives so fast, I have to tighten my seat belt. I know he was angry, but I don't know to who or to what. To me, or to about me getting pregnant? Or, to Mr. Styles?

I call his name, but he doesn't listen, only to drive faster. I tell him so stop, shouting at him, but still, faster. I start to worry, what the hell he was thinking? He could kill us!

I look out on the road, realize he was driving to the building where we used to work at, where Mr. Styles is. "Liam, stop." I order him to. He keeps driving. "What are you gonna do??" I'm shouting at him so he can hear me through the rushing vehicle sound.

I unbuckle my seat belt, pulling the steering wheel to side. The car almost jumping out of the road. But Liam pulls back at the right time so we're still on our way. He stops the car.

"Fuck!" He shouts at me, making me flinch. He sighs, running his hands in his hair. I hug myself tightly, looking down.

"Zayn, I'm sorry." He tries to reach my hand but I pull it away from him. He groans, "I was just, I want to tell that jerk to stay away from you because you are mine! And I want to tell him that he has hurt you, mentally. He has hurt you."

"You almost killed us, Liam" I whisper, hopping that he could hear me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm out of my control."

"Let's just go home,"

"What? No. I want-" I cut him, "please", it's a beg.

Then we're back at home. It's all cold. With me and my tears, with him and his anger. I just want him to hug me again, whispering to my ear that it's all okay. But I'm too scared to death to ask. So I give him a time, and I give myself a time too. And I'm not even thinking about it, I'm only wishing that it's all only dreams. I'm hoping tomorrow I would wake up and back to the reality, where everything seems fine.

why'd you only call me when you're high? // ziam mpreg // (has to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now