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Liam's POV

"Zayn," I try to stop him for talking too much. My head is horribly pounding and he doesn't even make it better.

"You have to listen to me!" He shouts, making me groan, he turns it to the worst. This bitch. "You better be quick or else-"

"What? You won't do anything to me, Liam. You're not even here by my side!" His voice gets louder and even louder.

"I swear I'll fück you and make you shut up, you whore." I spat between my gritted teeth, cannot hold my patience any longer.

He gasps, feeling hurt at my sentence. "Now tell me what it is before I end this stupid call."

I can feel him gulping hard, he musts be really insecure now. "I- I had an abortion today.." His voice is lower, more quiet this time but I still can figure out what is he saying. My eyes go wide, I can't believe with what he just say.

"You-", "Yes."

"Are you crazy or something?? I told you to keep the baby!" Now it's my turn to shouting at him. I can even know that he flinches at my shouts and yells.

"Yeah and I just can't put up with you anymore, Liam." He's shaking. It takes a few seconds to understand his words. This is it, I tell to myself.

"What do you want, Zayn?"

I hear him taking a deep breath before saying, "I want us to divorce."

He's trying so hard to keep his voice steady. And oh finally I get what I want. A small smile plastered on my face. "Okay." I say calmly.

I don't know if he notice my calm tone or not, but I bet he's so done with me until he quickly hangs the call up.


Harry hands me the money, I'm gladly accept it and count the amount of it. "That's the deal we dealt."

I smile, "wait until we're officialy divorced."

"I'll invite you to my future wedding with Zayn, in case your main wish is to see him happy." He fixes the coat he's wearing, taking in his brunette curls to his gray hat.

I actually never want to do this to my one and only dearest husband. But I don't have another choice. Harry's got everything he has ever needed. He's a great and rich man we know. Zayn would be happier if he's with him because I have nothing left.

The day I told him Harry fired me, it wasn't even true. The fact is, I'm having this Brain Tumor Grade II. Doctor diagnosed me so, then I asked Harry if I can quit the job but with one condition, he's going to marry Zayn. And I think about it all day long until I finally said yes.

He also promised me that if he can have Zayn, he'll pay for my medicine so I can stay alive for a while. At least it helps decreasing the cancer cells, so I have time to create a drama between me and Zayn. I have to be mean to him. I have to make him losing his hope for me. So when the day comes, where I permanently leave him, he'll hate me and won't looking for me anymore. With that he won't be sad.

I also memorize every single world I've got from searching about this Tumor.

"Grade I: The tissue is benign. The cells look nearly like normal brain cells, and they grow slowly.

Grade II: The tissue is malignant. The cells look less like normal cells than do the cells in a grade I tumor.

Grade III: The malignant tissue has cells that look very different from normal cells. The abnormal cells are actively growing and have a distinctly abnormal appearance (anaplastic).

Grade IV: The malignant tissue has cells that look most abnormal and tend to grow quickly.

Primary brain tumors arise from many types of brain tissue. Individuals with risk factors, such as having a job in an oil refinery, handlers of jet fuel or chemicals like benzene, chemists, embalmers, or rubber-industry workers, show higher rates of brain cancer than the general population.

Some families have several members with brain cancer, but heredity (genetic passage of traits from parents to children) as a cause for brain tumors has not been proven. Other risk factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, and viral infection (HIV) have been suggested but not proven to cause brain cancer.

There is no good evidence that brain cancer is contagious, caused by head trauma, or caused by cell phone use. Although many lay press and web articles claim that aspartame (an artificial sweetener) causes brain cancer, the FDA maintains that it does not cause brain cancer and base their findings on over 100 toxicological and clinical studies regarding the sweetener's safety."

I guess mine is from genetic passage because my grand father did have the same like me. He died because of Brain Tumor Grade IV when I was eight. And I never knew this will happen to me years later.

Well, there are things that can actually save me from death. Like doing a chemotherapy, but I don't want Zayn to have kids that having these cruel cancer cells in their body.

I want Zayn to be happy, that's all matter.

I remember the first time I noticed this cancer is where I had a difficulty with walking and dizziness when I was working. Sometimes even I feel weak and having headaches.Those are early signs of Brain Tumor.

Then I started vomiting, having blurry vision, changing mental capacity, bad memory, speech, personality. And the last is, hallucinations.

Harry helped me with the doctor. Me and him are actually in a good friendship. All this time, I was lying. I have never hate him that much. It's all just for Zayn. I know I'm hurting him, but at least I'm saving his future. He's so much better off without me there, being his husband.

Zayn will be happier, his life will be greater than ever if he's with Harry. And I trust him to take care of the love of my life, that I can't ever spoil till the day I'm gone.

why'd you only call me when you're high? // ziam mpreg // (has to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now