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Wilbur played the family piano. Each note merged into a melody. The whole room was filled with a tune that lured his father in. His father's eyes widened as he saw his middle son play on their mother's piano. Nobody dared to play ever since she passed a year ago. Then again there was the 6- year-old playing it. His mother always played songs around him, even let him sit beside her on the bench if not her lap. Oddest part is that she never showed him how to play the piano. She was waiting till the boy was 6 or 7 to teach him. There was young Wilbur, not missing a note to a piece their mother made before she passed. Wilbur didn't even have the music because his father isolated it away with the rest of the musical stuff in a room. The piano only stayed because it was too big to hide, and the father usually sat on the bench every morning to mourn the loss of his wife. His boys never questioned it. The oldest made sure his younger brothers got everything he could give them. The oldest made sure his 1-year-old brother got the attention he deserved. The father could barely look at his sons. He was heartbroken. The heartbrokenness was healed when he heard the child hum the melody by heart as his small finger delicately press the keys.

"Wilbur what are you doing?" The father questioned.

The boy quickly took his hands off the piano and looked ashamed. The father was a bit disappointed. He wanted the boy to play more. He needed the boy to play more.

"I am sorry father. I just wanted to play like mama."

The father laid his hand on the boy's shoulder, "And you can keep playing. I am not going to yell at you for playing. I will support you through this Wilbur."

"R-really?" Wilbur looked up with his brown eyes. God he looked so much like her.

The father smiled, "Yes! You know Wilbur it might be time to move into your own room."

"Why my own room? I like my big brother though."

"Well, I have a room filled with your mama's instruments and music! We could move your stuff into there, and you can express yourself more. Besides, your brother won't care if you leave. He will be happy for you."

Wilbur grinned, "I get to be like mama!"

The father smiles, "Of course you do.

My little songbird."


Surprise! A new story! This will be a dark SBI story. I hope you guys will enjoy this story. This will be the last SBI story I will start, though I will start new stories with reader inserts and you will see SBI inspiration with these new stories. I hope you all have a great day!

Word Count: 462

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