Chapter 4: Plane Ride

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Wilbur got worried. His mother hadn't played for him in weeks. She was confined to a room and he couldn't see her. His big brother was looking after Tommy as his father was always in their room with his mother. 

The middle child just simply waited at the piano multiple days, hoping he would see his mother again. His father was cooking dinner a night and he sat at the piano stool like usual. 

"Hello sweetheart."

"Mom!" Wilbur hugged his mother who looked skinnier and paler, "Can you play me a song?"

"Of course dear," She sat with Wilbur and played, her voice a little more hoarse as she sung.

"Kristin! What are you doing! You need to be in bed! What did you do Wilbur!" The father hissed.

"Calm down Phil. I just wanted some air from being cooped up in that room."

The father quickly dragged the child's mother away.


Wilbur got seated with Niki on first class. He was on his way to the one country he swore to never visit. 

"Nervous?" Niki asked.

Wilbur nervously chuckled, "How can I not be? Everything I ran away from I am coming back to."

"There had to be something good."

"My mother, but she died when I was really young. I actually got my musical talent from her."

Niki smiled, "Is that so?"

"Yeah. A lot of my popular songs I wrote are based on her."

"Does she have a grave? Maybe we can visit it?"

"I-" Wilbur seemed a little startled by the question, "I don't know Niki. He never told me that stuff... I would like to visit her though if we find it out where she was buried."

Niki gave a soft smile, "Of course."

The rest of the plane ride Wilbur spent talking to Niki about an array of things. Some were professional and some were just fun questions. It made Wilbur almost forget the situation he was in until they landed.

They waited for their luggage as Russ caught up with them and talked. Wilbur found his bag before an airport security person stopped him.

"Sorry sir, but we have reason to believe your bag contains contraband."

Wilbur scoffed, "It doesn't, but feel free to invade my privacy and check it."

The lady checked it, "Sorry sir for the inconvenience."

"Yeah, I bet you are. It's fine though. Told you I had nothing to hide."

The lady left and Wilbur couldn't help but think...

What a weird interaction.


The man paid money to the person. 

"You placed the tracker correct?"

"Tracker is placed. He didn't suspect a thing and probably won't find it. If he does, it will already be too late."


The man paid the guy as they split ways. The man arrived home to his children as they eagerly sat in their seats.

"So? Did you see him dad?" The oldest one asked.

"Yeah. Too bad we can't interact with him right now~ Alas the tracker is placed though."

The youngest spoke up, "So we are going to see where he is living?"

"Soon Tommy. We have to play this slowly or else they will get even more security." The oldest told his youngest brother.

"Don't pout Tommy, he will be ours soon."


This is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 528

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