Chapter 1: On Tour

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Kristin played each note delicately. Her eyes were fixated on her middle son, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and joy. Kristin couldn't help but laugh. 

The son looked up with his confused brown eyes, "What's wrong mommy? Why did you stop?" The 3-year-old asked. 

Kristin laughed, "Oh Wilbur, you are just so adorable."

Wilbur pouts, "I'm not that! I am big and strong!" 

"Okay Wilbur, whatever you say." 

The music began again as Wilbur bobbed his head to the music and his mother's beautiful voice.


"Thank you all again for coming tonight! Because you guys are awesome, I will give you guys one last song!" I yell at the crowd, despite my mic being on. 

The crowd cheers as they chant my name. I begin strumming my guitar and singing my lyrics. After a few minutes the song ends and cheers and claps surround me. 

"Thank you New York!" I scream as the lights turn off. 

 I head backstage and my assistant gives me a bottle of water.I chug the water bottle, "Thanks Niki." 

"No problem Wilbur! You have autograph signings in 15 minutes with the VIP tickets." 

"Thanks Niki." 

"This was probably your best show yet! I can't wait to see your performance on your final 3 shows for your American tour." 

"Yeah, thanks Niki." 

"There's my star!" My eyes dart over to my manager, Russ. 

"Hey Russ." 

"Great show tonight! Now walk with me."

I begin walking with him, grabbing another water bottle from the table. I take sips of the water as Russ begins to speak.

"Listen buddy,  the tour has been going really well so I have decided after this one we will go to the UK to tour!"

I spit out my water as I choke on it, "E-excuse me, c-can you repeat that?"

"I got you a tour in the UK."

I shiver, "Russ you know I hate that place."

Russ sighs, "Wilbur you can't avoid it forever. Even if you are an American citizen, you still were from the UK. You had to have had some good memories... besides they probably won't know you are touring there."

"...I guess you're right. As long as it's not where they are-" I look at Russ, "What's with the look."

"I promise you will have extra security-"

"Russ what the fuck!"

"They probably won't even know it was you. You are older, taller, not to mention the fact you changed your last name."

"Russ, they will know. How about this, I am not doing the tour unless if you cancel that town and give me extra security for the Russ sighs, "Wilbur you can't avoid it forever. Even if you are an American citizen, you still were from the UK. You had to have had some good memories... besides they probably won't know you are touring there."

"...I guess you're right. As long as it's not where they are-" I look at Russ, "What's with the look."

"I promise you will have extra security-"

"Russ what the fuck!"

"They probably won't even know it was you. You are older, taller, not to mention the fact you changed your last name."

"They will know Russ. How about this, I will not do that tour unless if you cancel that show AND give me extra security throughout the whole tour."

Russ sighs, "Wilbur I will give you extra security, but I will not cancel that show. It's in fucking London! But I can remove the VIP session that night?"

I fidget with my fingers, "Fine."

"There we go! I know this will be a lot for you Wilbur but this will benefit your international audience."

I nervously laugh, "Yeah... I have autographs in a few minutes Russ. I will see you later."

"You ungrateful songbird! You belong to us! You will regret this! You are nothing without us!"

Little do they know that their 'songbird' is famous without them to support him.

I just hope they don't know where I am or who I am. They probably aren't even looking for me anymore... Oh who am I kidding...

They are definitely still looking for me.


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate)!

Word Count: 679

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