Chapter 5: Hotel

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A few weeks passed since he saw his mother. The fact she looked pale and skinny started to haunt him as Phil forbid him to visit her. He started practicing the guitar and taught himself a few basic melodies. He really wanted to show his mother so he decided to see her. He snuck in to her room when his father was distracted due to cooking dinner. 

"Mommy! I have something to show you-" His eyes widened at his mom hooked up to multiple machines.

His mother was pale and skinnier. She looked like a skeleton at this point. Despite that his mother opened her eyes for him.

"Hi sweetheart... How are you..."


"How about you show me what you wanted to show me."

Wilbur hesitated but he picked up his guitar and strummed the melodies. His mother weakly clapped as he finished.

"That was so good. I am so proud of you. Never give up sweetheart." 

Phil stormed into the room, "Wilbur! Why are you here. You need to leave you mother alone so she can rest!"

Phil shooed Wilbur away and left his mother alone to perish.


Niki grinned, "This is our room Wilbur! One hotel of many!"

It was a simple hotel with two beds and things like soaps and cheap coffee were provided in a bag.

"Not the worst hotel I've been in. Remember that Mississippi one with the homeless people outside?"

Niki shivered, "Ugh! Don't remind me."

Wilbur chuckled, "Let me get something more professional on for that autograph signing."

"Okay Wilbur! I'll be in the lobby."

Niki left as Wilbur opened his suitcase. He was sifting through clothes until he hit his knuckle on something hard. 

"That's weird..."

He looked for the hard object and found something hidden in his suitcase. He picked it up and his face went pale. It was a tracker. 

"Shit. I knew I wasn't crazy. There is no way that isn't them. Shit. They know I am here. I should call Russ. I need to tell him I need more security." 

He quickly stomped on the tracker to break it even though there was no use since they knew where he was at. He got dressed into his normal singer attire and made his way to the lobby in a panic.

"Niki! Big issue. There was a tracker in my bag. We need to contact Russ for more security."

Niki's sighed, "That's not good. I will contact Russ. You have the driver take you to the autograph station and I will meet up with you."

Wilbur was hesitant but knew that if Niki wasn't worried, he shouldn't be worried. 

At least that was what he was telling himself.


His son walked in the room, "Bad news dad. The tracker isn't picking up his location anymore."

His father laughed, "That's a shame, but even that won't stop our plans. We already sent the private investigator his location and soon we will find out everything about your brother."

His older son left and he frowned at the fact Wilbur found out about it so early.

"You must be more observant since you left us. No matter. 

In the end you will be ours again."


This is the end of the chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!

Word Count: 527

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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