Chapter 2: On Sale

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Wilbur sat on the piano bench, staring longingly at the sheet music. Wilbur's eyes darted to the footsteps approaching to see his mother. Wilbur never really saw his mother as much since she was tending to his little brother. 

"Wilbur, what are you doing up this late. It's midnight!"

The 4-year-old looked down embarrassed, "Sorry mommy. I just miss you playing."

Kristin's face softened, "Sweetheart, Tommy has kept me busy this past month, but I will spend more time with you. I promise. I'm sorry I can't be with you as much."

Wilbur grinned as his mother sat beside him, stretching her fingers in preparation to play.

"You realize that I play more than the piano."

"Yeah, but I like this one the best. I do have a request though... for my birthday." Wilbur grinned.

Kristin chuckled, "And that would be?"

"You make me a song!"


Wilbur sipped his black coffee as he tuned his guitar for his next show. Niki walked in and grinned.

"Hello Mr. Soot! Russ has good news."


"Russ has the video set up to post after your show about your tour. You also have tonight to promote the tour in an interview. You're on in 10."

Wilbur sighed, "Thank you Niki."

Wilbur changed into a muted  blue sweater and black pants. He grabbed a matching muted blue beanie to match.

Wilbur got on stage and sang his heart out. The cheers were music to his ears as the last song ended. He quickly got off stage to prepare for the interview and then sign autographs. He went to the news cameras and gave a small smile.

"Ah! Wilbur Soot. That was a great show!" The news lady complimented.

"Thank you. Now I have an announcement."

"Oooo. Please go on."

"I am going on a tour in the UK after this! Tickets will be on sale tonight!"

"What made you decide to tour further?"

Wilbur froze a moment before answering, "I-it is where I grew up a-and my manager Russ gave me this great opportunity to go back to the UK for this show."

"Oh! I did not expect you to say that! I thought you were always a U.S. citizen Mr. Soot."

Wilbur didn't even know how that made sense due to his accent, "Well I don't like to talk about my past much. I hope you and all my fans understand."


Wilbur quickly cut off the news lady, "Thank you again for having me on. My tickets are on sale today!" 

Wilbur's fist clenched as he rushed back to his changing room. He punched the wall making a big dent. Wilbur was so stupid! How could he reveal that information! His family is going to find him now.

"Mr. Soot the autograph signing is-"

"I fucking know Niki!"

Fear struck Niki's eyes. She hadn't seen Wilbur this tense.  Niki slowly approached Wilbur and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me! I am not your fucking pet!"


Niki clutched onto her cheek in terror as a few tears swelled in her eyes. Wilbur looked over and his eyes widened.

"Niki- I am sorry! No no no! I didn't mean to hurt you!" 

Wilbur rushed over to Niki and she flinched. Wilbur looked in horror as he backed away.

"I-I'm sorry. I should go to the autograph signing."

Wilbur quickly left. Niki stared at the doorway for a few moments.

"What was going on in your head Wilbur..."


"Dad look at this!"

The father walked over, staring at the youngest's computer screen. In big letters it said:


𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐰!

 The father's eyes widened before the youngest continued to speak, "And one of the stops is London!"

"Get the best seats with the VIP session."

"London is the only place where it doesn't have that VIP session."

A crazed look crept on the crazed father's face, "Oh our songbird thinks he is smart... Well, no matter. Get your brother Tommy. We have a ton of planning to do.

We will get our songbird back and we will make sure he never shows his beautiful voice to anybody but us again!


End of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 664

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