Chapter 6

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I had just made it to work at 5:56 so I wasn't late. I got my little thing for my notepad and pen and straws because people can't drink out of their cup.

I clocked in and someone told me to go to table 4. I walk over to the table and repeat the thing I repeat 4 times a week over and over again. Do you know what you would like to drink? What would you like to drink, are you ready to order, what would you like to eat. I say that over and over again. 

I walk up to a table "Kiora?" I look up and see Blair. I smile at her "Hey Blair, do you know what you want to drink?", she nods her head. "I'll take a... Sprite please", she says pausing as she looks at the menu even though she said she knew what she wanted.

I nod and write it down "I'll be back with your drink and to take your order." I say and walk away asking for a sprite from the people in the back.

Once I get her sprite I take her order and she orders Alfredo. I go to the chef and ask for Alfredo. Once he's done with Alfredo I take it out to Blair. "Thank you Kiora." Blair says with a smile wide on her face.

I nod "I'll be back to give you your check in a couple of minutes in the meantime I have to go take another order, sorry Blair maybe we can talk after my shift."

I go up to another table and do the same thing I always ask. After I take their order I get Blairs check and bring it to her table. She eventually leaves and I clean up the table before taking the check. I opened it to put it in the cash register and saw she left me a $10 tip. A small smile comes over my mouth as I see a note Here's my number so we can talk more :)

I pocket the note and tip and then a guy from a table calls me over to his table, he sits in the back booth with some other guys. I walk over to their table and then the guy that called me over starts yelling saying "I ordered my food with no pickles why do I have 2 pickles!" I just stood there for a moment before saying "Sir, those come with the meal. If you don't like them you can just take them off with your fork."

He looks up from his two pickles so fast I'm afraid he got whiplash "Excuse me! I am a customer. I demand you take this back and get me new food!"

"Sir, your food is half eaten if you get a new plate we'll have to charge you for another meal", I reply calmly

He narrows his eyes and huffs, taking the pickles off of his food. I walked away as that wasn't even my table. I look at the time and finally see that it's 9 P.M. I clock out and walk towards the local bookstore. 

I walk into the bookstore and a bell chimes. The place has a very homey and cozy feeling to it, little chairs in a corner, where people are reading and tables, where people are studying. The little coffee shop inside so people can buy coffee and shop for their books.

I step on the welcome mat as I walk through. I go straight to the use section to see if anything good is there and see nothing seriously good that catches my eye. Then I go to the romance section and a few books catch my eyes, but my feet somehow don't know how to drag me to the dark romance.

I pick up a book that looks interesting and catches my eye and look at the price of $11. My eyes widen for a dark romance...? That's a good price.

I grab the book and right before I go to checkout another book catches my eye. A book in the 5 star spicy section. It's not an addiction I swear. I picked up the book and this book is $14. I debate on what book to buy seeing as the other one is cheaper but this one I've heard a lot about. I look in my wallet and see that I have plenty since the amount of tips I've received today.

Blair if you didn't give me that $10 I wouldn't have bought both

I go to the checkout and the employee looks at me weird for my choosing. I eye her back as if saying don't judge me. I buy the books and then start to walk home. A smile on my face because I finally don't have to reread all of my books and have new ones to read.

I walk inside the house quietly trying not to wake anyone if they're awake and go to my room to go to bed. When I get inside my room I debate showering. I'll just shower in the morning.

I lay down and quickly fell asleep.


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