Chapter 7

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I'm sitting in science class. I hate science. I don't know why I came to this class. I normally skip, but here I am.

*Minutes later*

The teacher was talking, but I wasn't listening.

"Ahmed" I look up at my name being said and see the teacher and a girl. This girl was absolutely beautiful. What the fuck Ahmed? Beautiful? Since when do you use that word to describe girls? You use hot and fine.

"Ahmed raise your hand", the teacher said. I lazily threw my hand up in the air and the girl sat down next to me.

Seconds later the teacher says we're doing a group project with the people we sit by.

I glare at the girl because I never normally have a partner, but she looks at me then looks away as if she felt my stare.

The teacher walks over to us and tells us our topic. "Your guy's is the scientific basis of love and how one knows there is love", I nod as she leaves the table.

I stare at the girl as I still don't know her name. She must've felt me staring as she glanced at me every once in a while, but I didn't look away. I was studying her side profile. It was amazing. Like any girl would be jealous. She was absolutely gorgeous and that's weird for me to say.

She has these light brown eyes that you could probably get lost in. I wouldn't know she doesn't look at me for more than a second. She raises her hand probably to ask for a new partner. I guess the staring would creep her out, but I don't really care. The teacher looks over here "Yes, Kiora?" So Kiora is her name.

"When is this due?" The girl who's name I finally know says. Her voice is sexy.

The teacher gives her the date. I wasn't listening though so I don't really know, but I look away.

"So..." A voice draws from beside me and I vert my eyes up and lock eyes with her. "When do you wanna work on it, I don't wanna do it last minute." I furrow my eyebrows "We as in you and me, no darling your doing it not me", why the fuck did I say darling? She's going to think I like her. Fuck.

"Or I can just tell the teacher you're not participating and you don't get any credit", she says. I rolled his eyes at her comment "Or you can do it and say I helped without any complaints". She rolled her eyes and suddenly all the blood rushed to my dick, it did something to me and I don't know how.

I shift myself. "Yea" she drags out before finishing what she was saying "no, I'm not doing it all by myself."

I glare at her, she's hot but a brat... Which for her, is still hot.


"Fine, can you meet me in the library at 5?"

She looks down, "I have work, I don't tomorrow though", I look at her and just blink not saying anything. "What?"

"You're 16, why do you have a job", I say assuming her age and questioning why she has a job. She shrugs as if she didn't know. How do you not know?

"So tomorrow?" Kiora asks, and I nod. "Where do you want to meet up? Do you want to go to the library?"

I shake my head "No it'll ruin my reputation. We can go to my house" Everyone goes to the library on Wednesdays for the test on Fridays.

She nods

"I don't know where you live," she says in an awkward voice. A hot voice

I start to ask for her phone before the teacher cuts us off and threatens detention, but Kiora just slides over her notebook and a pen

I wrote down my phone number and a little side note not to tell anyone if Carly found out she'd go nuts. She really needs to just leave me alone.

She gives me a thumbs up and starts to write in the notebook about the project. I'm just looking at how nice her handwriting is.

She then looks up as everyone is packing up and looks at a clock. She also starts packing up. The bell rings and I'm the first one out of class.

I walk to 6th period and minutes in I start to get pissed because of those caramel eyes. I don't even like her. I mean yea she's super pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, and sexy, but that's just looks not personality.

Damien talks to me "did you see Blair at lunch today she totally looked at me, do you think she likes me. She does, she has to" he pauses before adding in a voice with his head on his hand "I love being delusional... Don't judge me though delulu is the solulu. So I don't want you to say she doesn't like me because she does and she's mine she just doesn't know it yet we're secretly married."

I turn my head a little and give him a What the fuck look.

"Damien, maybe tomorrow we can talk about your... Wife? Whatever. I'm not in the mood."

He just looks at me, blinks a few times, then gives me a nasty dirty look. "Come on you use to always talk about your-" "Shut up don't even mention that thing"

He gives me another dirty look. How is Blair going to handle this guy's attitude?

"Anyways, Amhed did you see who Blair was sitting with, what was her name I heard someone say it was something like Kiara"

"It's Kiora, and yes I did." I am not explaining how I know her name.

He raises his eyebrows and I look away. "Why do you never talk to anyone besides 3 people and when you use to when you use to talk about-" I cut him off "don't start"

He crosses his arms "fine if you don't wanna talk, then I'm going to get out of here" he goes to grab his bag, but I grab it.

"Don't you even leave, this class is boring enough you make it tolerable" he sits back down instantly and I immediately regret what I said "Me?! Do I make this class tolerable? You actually do like me" he says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up" I say as a small smile comes on my face.


Damien is so damn sassy.

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