17: Journey

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Soren had a question for Lissa. A few, actually. But one knawed at his heart. "Mom, can you come back?" he asked, his voice quivering. A single tear drifted its way down Claudia's cheek. Lissa thought for a second. She took a moment to process the question. She nodded, took a breath, then said, "Okay. As long as what you say is true, and he won't be there."

Soren's face glinted in the sunlight as he smiled, for the first time in so, so many years, an actual happy smile. Lissa was still in shock, though. Callum and this... elf! Her name rang in her head, but Lissa didn't respect Rayla enough to use it. Not yet. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. She told the voice in her head, Shut up! But it persisted. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. Rayla. She realized. They're dead. They have until dusk. She measured the distance from the sun to the horizon. Around 2 PM.

Fine. "Rayla." Callum shifted uncomfortably. Something told him to do something he didn't want to do. He tried hard to suppress the thought, but it overtook him. He looked at Rayla. Her hair flowed in the gentle summer breeze. She noticed him and gently asked what was on his mind. "I will be back soon." And with that, he sprinted off.

I ran as fast as I could in the direction I was sure was east. My legs seemed not to touch the ground. I was all too aware that Rayla, probably the fastest person in that group, was chasing me with all she had. I was running for a reason, though. When we saw Lissa, something snapped inside of me. It didn't seem fair that Soren gets his mom, and Rayla didn't. So I was going to get them back. Before sundown.

The hell? Callum sprinted away. I jumped up and ran after him, screaming his name. He did not turn around. It was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Why would he do that? Run off like a deer from a bear. I couldn't believe this. Why would he... Does he even have a reason? What was it?

I ducked behind a tree. Rayla sped past me, along with the rest of the crew, struggling to catch up. I sighed and jogged eastward. I passed through the forests and mystical lands of Xadia, but this time, I didn't have time to stop and smell the fart-flowers. I was greeted by a strange being far, far ahead of me. I tried to make out who, but the form looked neither human, nor elven. As I approached, I realized why. Wings.

Where is he? I chased after the direction he had gone, but I couldn't see him any where. He was literally gone. "Shi-" She realized Ezran was running next to her. She cleared her throat saying, "Shopping cart." Soren chuckled, slightly tired. Ezran didn't even care if she swore. Right then, all he wanted was his brother. He ran and ran, but to no avail.

"Nyx?" I call, and receive a mysterious response. "Greetings, traveler- Oh. It's... you. Where's your friend?" she asked, the slightest hint of worry in her voice. "None of your business. Goodbye!" I responded, jogging away. She waved, confused. I just kept jogging. Rayla's parents. Rayla's parents. Rayla's parents. Those were the only words that rang in my head.

I grew tired. My lungs ached for a sufficient amount of air. I stopped to breathe. Where could he be? I refused to let him escape me. To let him leave. I will be back soon. His words rang in my head. I couldn't get them out. I hope you are, I thought as we stopped to catch our breath. cause I can't catch you.

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