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Colin had wasted no time stripping her to her chemise as soon as the door to her bedroom opened. "I have wasted far too much time already," he claimed, mumbling against her breasts that poked through the thin fabric.

Penelope replied breathlessly as he laid them down on the mattress. "We have all the time in the world, Colin."

Colin pulled away smiling, and he stared at her a moment, reverently. She returned the look, completely lost in the feeling of being here with him. "We do, don't we?" He whispered. She nodded faintly. "Then we will do this right, just as I promised." Before she could ask what he meant, Colin guided her to her feet and towards the mirror in the corner of the room. "I want you to see how good we look together, Pen."

She stared only at him and his half-naked, Adonis-like form. His chest was covered in faint red scratches and purple marks from her eager hands and lips. Her eyes drifted lower to the bulge pressing into her back. She let out a soft giggle, turning to run her hands through the curly hairs on his chest. "It is downright sinful for you to hide all of that under your layers," she pouted.

Colin chuckled. "I'm glad you like what you see, beautiful," he said, pressing his lips softly to her cheek, kissing down her neck and chest. It left a trail of fire on her skin, and she blushed brightly. "But I was hoping to focus on you," he said, turning her back around. "How beautiful you are." He teased up and down her waist, grazing her breasts as she sucked in a breath. "I want you to see what I see, Penelope," he whispered, gently biting her earlobe. She looked away, embarrassed. She couldn't remember the last time she truly looked into a mirror, save the quick glances to make sure she looked presentable enough for her mother's standards. She avoided the habit whenever she could, as her reflection only seemed to scream back all of the hurtful words people had uttered her way. There was a long time when those words had been Colin's. Hell, tonight, when she had been dressing for the ball, it was his voice playing in her head, sending her to that night all those months ago. "Hey," he said, breaking her dark train of thought. She met his eyes in the mirror, but they were blurry. She quickly realized that she was crying and rushed to wipe the tears away. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked with such concern that her heart ached and the tears fell again. He grabbed hold of her hands and wrapped his arms around her.

"It's stupid," she said, waiving away a watery laugh which turned into a sob.

"You're hurting. That's not stupid," he said, squeezing her hand.

"I...I just don't understand." Colin waited patiently for her to continue, rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs as she controlled her breathing. "Why? could you think I'm beautiful? How could you love me? Why now? After all these years? I don't understand," she hiccuped.

Colin sighed. "It's simple. I just do. Why is the grass green? It just is," he shrugged, kissing her shoulders tenderly. "Why do I love food?" He let go of her arms and slowly pulled her chemise over her head. "Why do I love to travel?" He asked, then moved to his knees in front of her. Colin stared, saying nothing for a moment, just marvelling at her. Penelope blushed, trying to hide herself from him. He pushed her hands away and tilted her face to look at the mirror again. "I just do," he said with a soft kiss to her stomach. He stroked her rounded belly, pressing more kisses all over. He left a kiss over her hips, and Penelope gasped when he moved back to her breasts. "Why do I think you are the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth?" He asked, standing to his full height, and she melted under his adoring gaze. He grabbed her face in his hands, hungrily licked his lips, and kissed her. She didn't know how she didn't fall right to floor then and there. "I just do," he whispered a moment later when they finally came up for air.

Penelope stared up at him, dazed, breathless, and a little lightheaded. "How are you so perfect?" She asked as he ducked back down, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. If only her younger self could see her now. She was to marry Colin Bridgerton. Colin Bridgerton loved her.

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