Episode 100: (A special Gwencounter)

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Our episode starts in the middle of some kind of abandoned town. The trio were looking around, the buildings in the style of buildings made around the 50's. Clearly some kind of military base but abandoned for years.

Ben: What are we even doing here?

Kevin: I've hid some of my... more valuable tech.

Ben looked at him with his arms crossed.

Kevin: Like I'm going to hide most of it in my garage.

Gwen was looking around and got separated from the group. She walked into a building to find some kind of weird circular structure. It was made out of some kind of yellowish crystal. She let the outside of it, it was sharp and jagged, as if it had been barely sizzled away before being placed into the back of the room. It had circuitry seeming slammed into it with no rhyme or reason. She had no idea what it was, but it seemingly activated out of nowhere. She activated the omnitrix and slammed down on it, changing the dial over to swampfire and letting the vines overtake her body. The pink flash faded as she routed herself into the ground. However it wasn't enough as the force of the portal was pulling her in. she tried to yell out for help, her words weren't able to escape the force of the portal and after a few seconds her roots began to be pulled up from the ground, the portal then pulled her in and shut off. The other two ran in, only to find some of the roots of swampfire.

Kevin: where is she?

The camera cuts to Gwen flying through another portal. She was blasting out fire as she went, continuing to pelt a steady stream of fire as she landed on the ground. However, she heard a voice that sounded like her own call out something.

Voice: Incendia absum!

The flames dissipated as she got a look at who was in front of her. There were two figures. An adult and one kid. The youngest of the three looked close to how she did as a kid. She had green eyes and short red hair held by a blue hairclip and wore sapphire earrings, an elbow-length blue raglan shirt with a cat logo, white capri pants, and white sneakers with dark blue stripes without socks. On her wrist rested the omnitrix. Well, a watch that looked like the pre recalibration omnitrix Gwen used to have. Although it was still with its original grey, green and black colours and the buttons were missing. She was Gwen classic.

The middle one in age was wearing a black and blue spandex suit, the blue being contained to just her torso area. She had a belt on that had a cat shaped buckle with boots that were a part of the suit. She had bright green eyes and hair that reached down to her shoulder, still being a bright orange in colour. Her name was Gwendolyn.

Classic Gwen: Another of us?

Gwendolyne: Weird, I really thought that'd get us out of here.

Gwen: Does somebody want to explain to me what's going on?

Gwendolyne: to make a long story short. We're stuck in an alternate universe. That portal was meant to be our way out but for some reason it dragged you in here.

Gwen looked back at the donut shaped mound of crystals, computer parts still sticking out of it.

Gwen: How is this a portal?

Gwendolyne: it was created by professor paradox, it's what got him shot into the void where he learned how to be a lying paradox. I was hoping I could make it work, but...

Classic Gwen: I still think upgrade could've done something about it.

Gwendolyne: And I still think it would've scattered you across space and time.

Some kind of explosion could be heard coming from outside. The ground shook as pieces of the room went flying out from the walls and the ceiling, cracks in the wall forming. Letting the bright red light into the room. The trio looked outside to see a version of ben flying around on his hoverboard proto tool in his hand.

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