We begin our episode with a camera shot outside of an old castle, before cutting inside. We spot the old forever king in the corner, in the shadows as the glowing slits where his eyes should've been where piercing through the darkness, a scientist preparing a presentation.
DR Chadwick: my fellow knights, we have lately endured a great defeat. Our prisoner, the dragon, escaped from our grasp.
Standing besides the old doctor was the Transylian and seemingly best friend of the old forever king, Dr Viktor.
DR Chadwick: but does this mean we have lost? Do we abandon out sacred duty?
The knights then began cheering, raising their fists up and down in a show of support.
DR Chadwick: That's right, instead we will chase the beast across the void. We must destroy it! And it's an entire disgusting species.
The knights continued to cheer as Driscol just loomed, glaring into DR Chadwick's soul.
DR Chadwick: and to that end, I have created a star ship. Combining different alien tech we have... acquired. A though it's controls are too complex for human understanding, I believe I have found a solution.
A screen then activates, the screen shoes Elena and ship just walking around Bellwood, Elena had on a long black dress, trying to cover up her mechamoph covered hand, ship having shapeshifted into a backpack. She was standing out of her old home, she looked at it, before just walking away. However the camera then focused in on the backpack, before we then cut back to the castle, the focused in frame being shown on the screen.
DR Chadwick: this is a Galvin shape shifter, very rare and yet very malleable. If we get out hands on it, then this machine will not only be powered, but it will be remote controllable.
Driscoll just looked at the woman the mechamorph was attached too, something about her was familiar but he wasn't sure what.
DR Chadwick: it's equal parts machine and beast, easily able to replicate and duplicate any technology it comes in contact with.
Driscol: and that is how you plan on making many ships from just one. Impressive work, but what is your plan for capturing such a creature. From experience it isn't as simple as you may think.
DR Chadwick: don't worry my king, for I have the solution, magnets. The creature is made of some kind of iron alloy. All we need to do is get it in this jar and we will have it.
Driscol: then we must take care, with the tennysons back out there, we cannot afford to bring any attention to our plans.
A larger knight walked over, he almost rivaled Driscol in Hight, well Driscol in his armor anyways.
Sir Morton: I'll catch your little blob for ya.
DR Chadwick: beware Sir Morton, it will not be easy to capture.
Sir Morton: that's what makes the Job more interesting, right?
He had a wide smile on his face. We then fade to the Bellwood park in the middle of the night. Elena was just leaning against a tree, she had formed a ball of her chips and she was throwing it out into the park, from the bushes emerged ship, he had covered the ball in his own nanites and he held it around his eye circle, as he dropped the ball, the mechamrph pattern dropped from the ball and Elena threw it again. She didn't have anywhere in particular she went when not with the main trio, she just kind of wandered around bell wood. After a short while we cut to her standing outside of her dad's house, and she began to talk to ship.
Elena: I dunno, should I go and talk to him?
Ship would just sit on her shoulder and let her talk to herself.
Gwen 10: Ultimate Alien Force
Fanfictionset 4 years after Gwen 10 classic. since the ending of Gwen 10 classic gwen has taken off the omnitrix, and has returned to a normal life. However when her grandpa max finds himself caught up in an alien conspiracy, she takes initiative and puts the...