CHAPTER 28: A Sinister Departure.

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I shook my head, signaling my lack of concern. Though my office was a considerable distance from the private hangar, his authoritative presence made me feel like a mere pawn in his hands.

As we exited, an ominous silence enveloped the hallway, casting an eerie atmosphere. My attention couldn't help but fixate on his flawlessly composed face, where a faint frown hinted at a demeanor rarely displaying a smile.

"Is there a reason for your stare?" His voice abruptly sliced through my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I stuttered, caught off guard, my words faltering in ambiguity.

"Do you wish to be released?" he inquired, his eyes locked onto mine.

Reluctant to appear too assertive, I nodded in agreement. Slowly releasing myself from his hold, I regained my footing, the heels of my shoes softly meeting the ground as I distanced myself completely.

Letting out a sigh, I adjusted my hair, preparing myself for our departure. My heart raced as he led the way to his office, my bag still in his possession.

Upon arrival, there were no guards stationed at his office, a noticeable absence. Stepping inside, he made his way to his desk, gathering his phone, wallet, and security card while surveying the room with a keen eye. It seemed he was fully prepared for the journey ahead.

"It's time," he announced, a sense of anticipation in his voice.

As we departed from the office, he swiped the security card on the door, generating an eerie sound signaling its secure closure. Our steps resonated through the hallway, leading us toward the exit of the Shaque building. We passed several elevators before arriving at his private hangar.

The gust of breeze outside stirred up memories of my initial days at the Shaque when I was young, broken, and innocent. Goosebumps prickled my skin as I fidgeted, a sense of déjà vu washing over me.

Repeatedly adjusting my hair, I caught Lord Maximus tilting his head towards me, a hint of lust glinting in his eyes before he averted his gaze.

In the distance, five of Lord Maximus' guards stood beside his pristine white jet, the stairs already lowered to the ground.

"This place is new to me," I remarked.

"You have no reason to be here," he replied, a sly smile playing on his lips.

Approaching the private jet, the biting cold seemed to intensify, each breath turning into a frosty wisp.

"Once inside, make sure to grab a warm cover," he advised.

I smiled, stealing a glance at his captivating eyes. "Of course, My Lord," I responded, feeling a flutter at his gaze.

As we neared the jet, Rocco, one of the guards, gracefully took charge of our belongings, extending a polite offer of assistance. The grandeur of the jet was undeniable, prompting the guards to bow and pave the way for our entry. With a gentlemanly gesture, Lord Maximus gestured for me to board first.

Upon stepping into the cabin, a luxurious blend of rich, woody scents enveloped me, emphasizing the opulence of the private jet.

The soft, ambient lighting cast an aura of sophistication, enveloping me in an unparalleled sense of comfort and extravagance.

Lord Maximus entered swiftly, accompanied by his guards. As I settled into the plush cushions elegantly, I admired the intricate details that showcased Lord Maximus's impeccable taste for artistry while he sat beside me.

The guards respectfully withdrew, ensuring our privacy in this exclusive space. With a silent signal, the jet's door closed, enveloping only Lord Maximus and me in this lavish sanctuary.

A simple press of a nearby button summoned a flight attendant, who arrived with a tray bearing a selection of items: cigarettes, wine, and water.

With the tray resting on the glass side table across from us, Lord Maximus subtly inclined his head, silently signaling flight attendant to leave. They departed, leaving us in the luxurious privacy of the cabin.

In the quiet aftermath, a sense of intrigue lingered in the air, tangible in the subtle yet commanding gesture of Lord Maximus. The faint hum of the jet's engines outside provided an eerie backdrop, intensifying the atmosphere of secrecy and mystery within the lavish confines of the cabin.

He took a firm hold of my legs, his touch sending chills down my core. With a slow and deliberate motion, he slid my heels off, his fingers grazing my skin sensually.

As his lips met my legs, planting soft kisses, a wave of desire washed over me, intensifying with each delicate touch.

But as his lips trailed higher, inching towards my thighs, a mix of anticipation and hesitation flooded my senses. Sensing my unease, I gently pulled away, shaking my head in a silent plea to slow down.

Feeling the need for a moment to collect my thoughts, I mustered the words, "I need to use the restroom, I'm sorry," abruptly rising from the scene.

My heart raced with excitement and uncertainty, leaving him longing for more, as I left him with a burning desire that would linger in the air.

His face contorted with a storm of conflicting emotions—perplexity mingled with a simmering anger. With a heavy sigh, he motioned toward the direction of the restroom. But the intensity in his gaze sent shivers down my spine.

" Why is he so upset now? He set the rule, does he intend to break it because of me?" I pondered in a whirlwind of doubt.

His erratic behavior left me disturbed as I slipped away from his view. A peculiar disquiet clung to me, the sensation a stark echo of the need for change.


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