"Uh... forgot!"

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Ashley's POV


"I can't believe I just walked in on you and Mr.Gaskarth making out!?"

"Yeah, well please don't tell anybody... not like you would hit it was needed to say!"

"I won't, cause I fully support your decisions. I mean I like Mr.Barakitty." I looked up from my drawing notebook and winked at Madison.

"Get some." she dragged the last word out, and sounded sassy.

"Yeah, right back at yah. I purposely got detention after school so I could be stuck in the same class room as him."

"How did you manage to do that?"

"I flung red paint at his butt," I smirked.

"Oh my god! To make it look like a period?"


"Smart. aren't you supposed to be in detention?"

"Uh... forgot!" I quickly spun around and ran up the stairs to the art room.

"Your late, to lunch detention!" he threw his hands in the air and sat on his desk. He took his finger and signaled me to come over.

I made my way over to his desk and held my hands behind my back, I bit my lip and looked at him. I could feel my heart beating against my chest, and I don't know why.

He reached into his desk and grabbed a detention pass for after school. I started walking over to him but I tripped over my own feet. I put my hands out in front of myself, to help get a grip on something. I ended up gripping Mr.Barakats shirt, and tugged myself up, making him go forward. Our faces inches apart. My mouth was open a little bit as I gazed into Mr.Barakats eyes.

After a mere second, our lips were moving perfectly in sinc. My hands were a wrapped around his neck and his hands were placed on my hips, then to my bum lifting me up. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he twisted us around so my back was on the desk and he was laying on top of me.

His hand found its way to my skirt and started to pull it down, leaving me in my panties. I moaned as he found his way towards where I really needed him. "Daddy," I accidentally slipped out as he started to finger me.

He looked up at me and grinned,"You like that, baby girl?" He asked as he started to pick up the pace. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, almost coming to my high. "Not yet, daddy's not done here." he slipped his fingers out and re-connected our lips, as he was taking his pants off.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, but in the moment it's all I want. We both slipped our bottoms off, and he was straddling me. Him right in front of my center. As he was slowly pushing into me, he was sucking my neck.

Since this was my first time it really hurt, but after he was thrusting out, the bell rang. Realization hit me, were still in school. I quickly pulled my panties, and skirt on. he did the same with his boxers and skinny jeans.


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