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Madison's POV

I gathered my things from my locker just as the bell rung. My shoulders hunched over and I made my way to History. Hopefully we got a new teacher side our older one hated me so much, he would always call me out on random things. 'Oh look your drawing on the desk, detention.' and 'she isn't wearing her tie, detention.' like wtf, you don't understand how many detentions I had last year.

Once I was in the class room, all eyes fell on me causing my face to redden. "Your late, on your first day." A younger man said. I crinkled my nose and nodded my head.
"Do you have a pass?" He asked while he was writing on the board.

I shook my head and looked down at my feet. "Come in for lunch, I don't want to give you detention." he looked at me then walked away.

After that class, I headed to my next, and then the one after that, and then the one after that, until lunch came around. I shoved everything into my locker then took out my lunch box, and headed over to Mr.Asscarts.

Once I got in there, he was sat at his desk reading some manual script with his phone placed in front of him. "Ah yes, school skipper." he smiled jokingly as I sat down at a desk.

"In my defense, I had my locker jammed. Plus I didn't skip school, I just was late to class." I mentally high-fived myself.

"Yah yah," he huffed while picking up his phone as turning it on, holding the power button.

"It's like magic." he smiled as he held the phone up in the air like a baby sent from god.

"It's just a phone." I looked at him, with one eyebrow raised, and one eye squinted. Almost in the 'wtf' kind of face.

"Yeah, well I haven't had the time to upgrade my phone to a touch screen since I just got out of college, I didn't need a distraction from my studies." he had this face that was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. either he was lying, or... I really don't know.

"Do you need my help, Mr.Asscart?" I asked.

He looked up at me with a weird expression, "Mr.Asscart?"

"That is your name right!?"

"No, it's Mr.Gaskarth."

"Oh," my face reddened from embarrassment.

"But yes, I do need your help." I nodded my head and walked over to him.

I grabbed the phone and sat on my knees, next to him. "This is how you unlock the phone, to get to the home screen." I showed him all of the basic steps that you need for a phone.

"Okay thanks, but what if I wanted to listen to some music?"

I quickly reached over and grabbed his headphones, accidentally shoving my boobs right in front of his face, and they are not small. i pulled back quickly with the earbuds in hand, then quickly shoved them in his phone, trying to hide my face from embarrassment.

"S-sorry, my uh boo-"

"OMG it's totally fine, I didn't even notice."

"Did you say 'O.M.G.'?" my eye brow was cocked and my mouth was open a little bit.

"Yeah, sorry. I thought it was the 'in' thing to do," he scratched the back of his neck, making this even more awkward.

"Sorry I'm really awkard! I sometimes start rambling about random things... kind of like a distraction! One time my mom was talking to me about periods and I quickly changed the subject and rambled on about how ants have the gel like liquid that comes out of there body when they die, and signals the other ants to get rid-"

Mr.Gaskarth's lips pressed to mine, and I didn't even hesitate to kiss back. Instantly my hands found there way to his fringed hair and tugged on it, earning a soft moan. His hands were placed on my hips, and found there way to my bum, then picked my up. This made me in the straddle position making it easier for us to make out.

"Hey Mr.Gaskarth, have you seen Madi-" Ashley stopped right in her tracks and her jaw dropped in aw while looking at the two of us.






Only the 2nd chapter, and things are getting frisky.

Ashley is the girl that was in the first chapter, the point of view was hers.

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