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"Join the team we need your assistance to help us take Sheppard down" Fishing hat guy said I turned looking at my commander he nodded his head. "You're fucking with me right?" I asked the Mohawk guy laughed

"Let's start off with this, I'm Soap this is Ghost and that right there is our Captain Price. No we aren't fucking with you. Your tactics and skills is needed in our team and Price and I agree that your definitely Task Force material." I sat there I fell quiet looking down at the floor "Looks like we surprised you. I'm actually surprised that you're surprised. I mean come on have you ever noticed how you don't fit in?" Ghost asked I titled my head looking at him.

"Excuse me, but I fit in with my team perfectly well." I said my Commander cleared his throat "Not that you "don't fit in" but you're different than the entire team. You're so high up in ranks that I can't promote you anymore but this is a once in a life time chance Sparrow." He said I looked back over at the team "I'll give you till the end of the week that sounds good to you?" Price asked I nodded my head I stood up walking out the room.

I walked past my team as they all were doing whatever they were doing I didn't really pay attention I keep my head down "Sparrow" Scottish voice called my name I turned my head to see Soap jogging up to me "Wait up can we talk?" He asked I looked ahead of me as he caught up and walked along side of me "I wanted to catch you before we left." I looked over at him raising my eyebrow "Look I know you're nervous about this Lass, But just know that when you decide what you decided either to join us or not I want to be the first one to say I'll be very proud to work along side you" he said I stopped walking and looked at him confused

"Soap!" Deep voice called out we both looked to see the voice came from Ghost. "Take your time and think on it okay? I definitely hope you say yes" he sent me a wink and jogged off to his crew I watched as he walked out the room. "Woah what was all that?" James asked walking up beside me I still looking their way "I don't know James.." I turned looking at him sighing. "Well I'm done for the day are you?" I asked he nodded his head "Pub?" I asked he smirked at me

~The Pub~

"Another round!" Charlie called out she was not drunk yet but she was very excited to hear my new's "You didn't tell Charlie the best park S!" James said shoving his shoulder into  me softly she raised her eye brow "And James knows before me!! I'm your best friend how dare you!" She said with a fake gasp and her hand fell over her heart I rolled my eyes at them.

"Soap was flirting with her." He said I rolled my eyes at him finishing my beer "He was not" I said standing up pulling my mask down over my lips "Oh so that wink was nothing??" he asked Charlie smiled wildly "Oh he's definitely into you" I rolled my eyes again shaking my head "Can you two stop? I just meet him. I'm getting us more I'll be back." I got out the booth going to walk but crashed into a firm body before I hit the floor a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Woah easy there Lass" I looked up to see Soap and Ghost "Hey we were just talking about you!" James said I mentally slapped my self I slowly pushed my self away from Soap turning towards James "Zip it or I'll zip it for you." I said Ghost laughed a bit "I hope it's good things" he said they nodded there heads "Here join us." Charlie's tapped a seat Ghost sat down next to her

"I'll be back" I walked away from the group sighing deeply "Hey S the normal?" He asked I nodded my head "Make that two more Mate" he said from behind me I turned looking at him "Are you following me?" I asked him "What?" He asked I rolled my eyes "Why are you here? I thought you were leaving?" I asked he nodded his head pointing at Ghost. "We are leaving tonight... midnight it's only eight right now he wanted a drink and we heard this place was great" I sighed deeply I leaned my head down pinching the bridge of my nose

"We can leave if you want us too?" He asked I felt like a asshole now "No no, I'm sorry just kinda nervous what my family will say and just I'm in my head" he nodded his head in agreement "I understand when I was asked I felt the same way... nervous.. scared. I almost turned it down." He said I titled my head he chuckled a bit "Yeah I know shocker" the bartender sat the beers down in front of us I went to set money down

"Don't worry it's on me" he sent me a wink I smiled a bit even though he couldn't see my face I hope he can tell. "I hope by they way your eyes look that's a smile on your face" I chuckled a bit shaking my head "You'll never know Love" I winked back teasing him walking back to our group. The rest of the night Soap did everything he could to help me clear my mind before they had to catch there flight once they left Charlie and James were smirking at me.

"Don't even start" I said pointing at them they rose there hands the rest of the night they tried there best to get me to say yes to the 141.

Task Force 141 ~ Johnny "Soap" MacTavish Where stories live. Discover now