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I dried my hair as I fixed my dress. Ghost said this was a dancing clubby type bar to where there's dancing and everything else you could think of. I stood there debating on wearing my mask tonight or not. My phone started to ring I jumped looking down at it. 

I sighed deeply when I saw it was my father calling I answered it as there was a knock on my door "Hello?" I answered as I opened the door. Instantly yelling from my father on the other side. "YOUR BOSS JUST TOLD ME YOU JOINED THE FUCKING TEAM AFTER WE SAID YOU WEREN'T ALLOWED!" Ghost titled his head I sighed deeply

"Father I really rather not talk about this right I'm getting ready for a mission." I said walking over to the couch sliding on my shoes "I don't give a fuck what you want you are my fucking kid and you will" his word got cut off as Ghost took my phone "Hello Sir, My name is Lieutenant Riley of the Task Force 141 I will not be allowing personal phone calls from this phone any longer have a good day sir" he hung up and tossed me my phone

"Now come on let's go we're early we can get a table." I nodded my head standing up shoving my phone into my pocket as I looked at my self in the mirror one last time before we left to the bar


"Where's Soap?" I asked Ghost and Alex shrugged. The night was still going as we drank more soon I heard his Scottish voice I turned looking across the bar as he walked in with Köing and Keegan.  He wore his normal blue jeans and blue T-shirt it hugged his biceps so well the veins were bulging down to his wrist he wore no vest so I got to be able to let my mind work it's wonders like it always does when my eyes land on Soap. I placed my chin in my hand as my eyes just traveled "Now I see why she asked for him" Alex said leaning back in his chair with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes Alex laughed a little "Oh come on I'm just fucking with you" I looked down at my bottle "What's holding you back?" Ghost asked me I lifted my gaze up from my beer bottle to him. "Everything Ghost. For starters I'm new to this team. I'm just a girl who hides behind a damn mask because of the scars my family inflicted on me" Ghost's body straightened up

"You mean to tell me that man I yelled at on the phone caused you to wear that?" He asked pointing to my mask I may of just screwed up right there. When I'm drunk I don't know how to keep my mouth shut everything just poor's  out only because I have no one to talk to when I go home no pet, no family and definitely no boyfriend my life was so miserable but...

When Soap came into my life everything changed. Like the night he came over with Ghost to cheered me up because I fucked up our mission and Price snapped the hell out on me bc I slipped out the tree. Or the night where he came over with a cupcake because no one but him remembered my birthday. "Look don't let what's underneath that mask stop you. Don't let anything stop you from getting what you want. My father taught me that when I was young." Alex said leaning forward I looked down at my lap.

"Look I'll take mine off if you take yours off?" Ghost said I titled my head looking at him "Really?" "No" he said I rolled my eyes I was hoping he would help me feel better. "But no one here will judge you go ahead don't let that mask hide who you truly are Sparrow"  thought about it for a moment I took a deep breath. I reached up grabbing the bottom of the mask. Alex nodded his head I slowly slid it off my head Alex's eyes grew wide

"See that is the reaction I was scared of" I went to tug it back on but he grabbed my wrist. "It's not a bad reaction I promise you that. I'm kinda mad your into Soap" he said I laughed a little shaking my head "Now your just making me feel better about my self" he rolled his eyes grabbing his beer "Whatever you say Dear, I'll be back gonna get us more beer" he stood up walking away from the table Ghost was still staring at me.

"So?" I asked him he looked over his shoulder "I agree with Alex, but I won't interfere with you and your happiness with Soap" he slowly stood up "I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back" he said walking away I sat there looking down at the mask in my hand's "I must say, You're a lot better looking with out that mask in the way" the Scottish voice spoke I cursed under my breath "Alex"

I slowly looked up at Soap. "You think so?" I asked he smiled softly pulling out the empty chair next to me "I know so Lass." He sat there the whole night Ghost nor Alex never returned it was like there plan the entire time was to get this to happen. I can't believe I'm this drunk that I took my mask off in the middle of the bar. "Do you feel uncomfortable?" He asked I shook my head keeping my head down as I looked at my mask.

His soft fingers touched my chin lightly lifting my face up to look at him. "I think you're beautiful without this mask if I say so myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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Task Force 141 ~ Johnny "Soap" MacTavish Where stories live. Discover now