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I walked around the woods by my self quickly and quietly.  I held the paint ball gun as I turned to go up the hill I froze the Skull face poked out from far ahead. I turned around and hid behind a tree "shit Ghost" I mumbled to my self.

I took off straight ahead I rushed I didn't wanna be caught by Ghost. He was going to definitely win if I went up against him I wasn't paying any attention that I slipped off the ledge rolling and tumbling down the hill I hit my head so hard that everything went black

~Hours later~

Soap's Pov-
"Alright is that everyone?" Price asked us I looked around "Umm no, Sparrow is missing" Gaz said I looked around one more time I definitely shouldn't of split off with her "Last I saw she was with Soap" Alex spoke up I gave him a dirty look. "We had a small fight bc of the bet you made" I said stepping forwards he did as well "and look not a single paint ball mark on your body is there? She kept you alive and now she's probably out there alone lost and scared I'll go find her." Alex said going towards the woods.

"No, since Soap was the last one with her he goes to find her! Be back at the base by sundown we have a mission in three days. I'll send another helicopter" he said as the team went towards the helicopter Ghost stayed beside me "What are you doing?" I asked him he turned towards the woods "Your gonna search the woods alone?" He asked I sighed looking over back towards Price "Just be careful" he waved us off we went into the woods to find Sparrow.

"SPARROW" I yelled walking through the woods "Your really mad she placed a bet on you?" Ghost asked I turned looking at him. "I can defend my self Ghost I don't need some woman protecting me." He shook his head looking to the left of me. "Yet here we are looking for her and not you like last year" I turned and pointed my finger at him. "THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT OKAY!" He nodded his head.

"Mhm sure you keep telling your self that." He said shaking his head.

It's been at least a half hour since we been looking for her the worry started to sink into my stomach that either she's hurt or dead by a bear. "Ghost I'm starting to worry" he looked over a ledge "Well now you don't have to but same time you do she's not moving" he said I rushed up to his side she was laying at the bottom of the cliff "SPARROW!" I yelled out nothing not a move not a call back or nothing "How are we supposed to get down there?" I asked him he sighed looking around.

"Guess you're gonna have to rappel to her" he pulled a top out his bag and started to get it ready for me to go. Once he was finished I got suited up and started to slowly make it down "Once you get down there she has medical stuff in her bag attend to her wounds and then hold her I'll drag you guys up myself." He yelled down the cliff I nodded. I finally got to the bottom I unlatched my self and jumped down near her

"Sparrow" I rushed up to her side sitting her up. There was a big blood spot on her mask where her forehead is I stood up looking up at Ghost. "GHOST! She has a sever cut to the forehead I can't take her mask off she'll kill me" he sighed deeply "she don't have to know you did it okay? I won't say nothing if you don't?" He called out I sighed turning to face her.

I couldn't do it so I turned the mask a bit and it revealed a gash. It started to leak blood again. "Shit shit shit" I keep repeating I grabbed her bag and started to go through it I got out a bunch of gaz pads and tape "Damn it Sparrow why did you run off" I mumbled she groaned softly her eyes fluttered open "S-soap?" She asked going to reach up and touch her head

"No it's okay don't touch it I got you Lass." I told her as I moved her hands I quickly placed the gaz pads to her head and tapped it on I re adjusted her mask and grabbed her face softly "are you okay to walk?" I asked her she shook her head no. I slowly lifted her up bridal style and made my way around up to Ghost.

Once I meet up with Ghost I sat her down on the ground as Ghost checked her out. "How are you feeling?" He asked she groaned laying back onto the grass. "My head is killing me very badly" she groaned out I walked up to Ghost "Go call it in I'll stay here and keep her occupied" he nodded his head walking off to find good spot to call it in.

I walked back over to sparrow as she laid there. "Hey you're gonna be alright, it's just a gash that needs stitched up."  I said kneeling down next to her I placed my bag down beside me she reached up touching the gas pad "Soap it's bleeding through" she said pulling her hand away from her head it was dripping blood. "What did I hit my head off of?" She groaned loudly I opened her bag up

"Might of been a rock or a stump but your fine just keep talking to me Lass" she looked up into my eyes as I leaned over tugging her mask to the side not even taking it off just replacing the pads as Ghost runs up beside us "Price is just over the hill let's move" they helped me up I held onto soap the whole way to the helicopter.

Task Force 141 ~ Johnny "Soap" MacTavish Where stories live. Discover now