33. Nightmares

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The days came and went and eventually it came time for Will and the rest of Lorna Shore to hit the road again. This tour was about two months, but to Charlotte, it felt like eternity only after a couple of weeks without him.

Music was Will's passion, and he loved to see the world. But this time around something was different and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Will didn't seem as lively as he usually is and he would often tell her how much he missed her.
Charlotte also felt a strong longing for him...but it was also hard for the both of them considering this is the first time he's toured without Charlotte since their battle with Bekka. The anxiety was hitting him ten fold.

On the last tour, Charlotte was with him daily, which made it easier for him to ease back into it. This time she had to stay home. Although they knew Bekka would never see the light of day again, the aftermath and the lingering PTSD was still very hard for them both.

They had been playing phone tag for the last couple days. Charlotte was growing a bit frustrated. She called him during times where she knew he didn't have a show, but quite often she would go unanswered. Periodically she was looking for a text or missed call but, more often than not, there wasn't any sign of Will. Charlotte was tattooing almost daily just trying to stay busy.

She was currently working on a repeat client of hers finishing up on a large color project.
She was working away....completely zoned in, working on the white highlights.

The last step.

She had been working for hours and it had been a long day. She was overly tired and missed Will's voice. Her and the client were sharing details about their lives catching up. She didn't always talk much during her tattoos for focus purposes, but it was reaching the end of the session and she missed getting in some human interaction. She hasn't really left the house much lately unless she was going to the shop...her motivation to do much was lacking.

"So how are things with the hubby?" Asked her client named Kayla. Kayla was also married and had a couple of kids and was excited to talk to Charlotte about her new personal milestone since she hadn't been in her chair for a while.

"Well....I don't know if you saw but they're back on tour....its kind of tough without him around right now to annoy me every day." Charlotte joked trying to make a lighthearted situation out of her sadness.

Kayla chuckled. "Awe! I'm sorry! I get it. My husbands always up my ass but I think even if he were gone for a couple days I might start getting a little lonely."

Charlotte smiled a little and sat up, taking her green soap bottle and misting a brand new paper towel.

"And your tattoo is done my dear!"

"Really?! Oh thank god! That was really starting to hurt like a bitch!"

Charlotte laughed a bit with an apologetic expression on her face. Being a tattoo artist was a tough job when you really found no pleasure in physically hurting people....

While Charlotte took a few photos of her work and started to gather the bandages to cover it, she saw Kayla gasp and smile at her phone.

"Oh my god! You didn't tell me Will knows Ryan Ashley Malarky from Ink Master!!"


"Ryan Ashley!?"

"No, I know who that is...but what are you talking about?" Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows at how random that was and Will had never mentioned knowing her before.

Kayla turned her phone to Charlotte so she could see what she was talking about. There was a photo of Will on her instagram's algorithm since Kayla was a big fan of Lorna Shore. Someone tagging Will brought it to her attention.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Where stories live. Discover now