the rain

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the town streets are quiet..  the rain is only a sprinkle,  and the sun is barely visible through the dark thick clouds..

Vincent likes this kind of weather..  cold and quiet..  the only sounds are the raindrops hitting the crackly sidewalk,  his laced shoes crunching against the ground,  and the distant rumble of thunder coming closer..  Vince loved it.. 

"fuck..  mum's probably worried by now.."  he huffs and pulls his hood over his dirty blonde hair,  hoping to avoid his glasses getting wet..  he quickens his walking pace.. 

it doesn't take long before the rain starts getting heavier,  and there'll be no hope of Vince getting home dry..  he takes a turn into a sheltered bench..  and sits down to catch his breath for a second.. 

he pulls his hood off from over his head and dries his glasses..

it's only then that he realises there's another person sitting on the bench,  he only realises when he catches a whiff of cigarette smoke and has to suppress a cough to avoid being rude..  his eyes linger on the person's face..  a boy..  probably his own age..  maybe an inch shorter than him, raven black hair,  slight darkness under his eyes to indicate tiredness or perhaps stress,  a straight nose,  and pale fingers taking hold of the cigarette between his lips..  he takes a drag and exhales the smoke..

Vincent usually disliked smokers..  the way most of them would linger around shopping centres with complete disregard for other people around them..  but this was different..  this boy had every right to be there..  and Vincent came up to him..  he wasn't going to cough and make a scene or walk away to make this boy feel bad..  he was going to tolerate it this time..

"you alright..?"

he's snapped out of his excessive thoughts when he hears the boys voice.. 

"yea..  sorry.."  he realises he's been looking at him this whole time "didn't mean to stare.. just started zoning out.."

the boy doesn't respond, just nods and takes one last drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out on the ground

"I'm sorry too.. didn't realise you were there.. probably should've put this out sooner"

"you didn't have to do that.. I don't mind"

the boy just shrugs and stands up "it's fine.. I was just about to go home anyway.." he barely takes a step into the rain and Vincent stands up as well "I can walk you there.. the streets get kinda dangerous around this time.."

he's aware of how strange the offer is, but he's right. muggings and murder aren't a rare occurrence in these parts, and everyone in town knew that, so naturally, the boy nods..

the walk takes longer than Vince expected.. he wondered if the boy even lived in this part of town.. he found the boy beside him strange.. not bothering to speak up or even thank him for walking him home.. just keeping his head down and fidgeting with the packet of cigarettes in his hands

"want a smoke?" he looks over to the boy and shakes his head dismissively "I don't smoke"

"naturally.. probably because you've never tried it"

"and I intend to keep it that way"

the boy just sighs and puts the packet back into his pocket and Vince finally works up the courage to ask what's been on his mind this whole time

"what's your name?"

"Mitchell Evans.. just Mitch is fine."

"I'm Vincent. you can call me Vince"

the boys share a look and Mitchell points to one of the units in a dingy complex "this one. unit 6. Thanks for walking me home." he walks to the doorstep but doesn't open the door yet "visit whenever you like. it gets quiet here since it's just me and my dad"

Vince smiles, and waves Mitch goodbye as he disappears inside

what a night

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