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[Mitchell's pov]

Vincent makes a pretty decent cup of coffee.. we're sitting in his living room and the tension sits heavy in the air.. I can tell he's still confused about the fight we just had.. I don't know how to explain that it wasn't personal..

"thanks for the coffee.. I'm sorry about today.. I just.. sometimes I get so angry.. it's nothing personal.. I just don't like talking about my parents.."

it's the worst apology ever, but Vincent seems to get it. I'm pretty sure I broke his nose, we had to try and stop the bleeding as soon as we came inside..

I take a sip of the coffee and feel bad every time I see him wince in pain

"are your glasses ok? are they broken?"

he just rolls his eyes "not as broken as my nose" he chuckles

good to see his sense of humour isn't gone

"I promise not to hit you like that again.. I've got some bad anger issues if that wasn't obvious enough"

he smiles in response.. he's so understanding

"so.. what time would I be going?" I ask for no reason other than to break silence, but I still anticipate his answer

"mum won't be back until tomorrow, you can stay as long as you want"

I grin sinisterly "can I stay the night?"

he chuckles, but then realises I'm serious "if you want. you'll have to sleep on the couch or in my bed, we have no spare mattresses"

"I don't mind sharing a bed"

he doesn't look embarrassed about my reply, and that gives me some sort of relief, like I'm not making this awkward for him


we exchange smiles


It's 8:30, I've texted dad to tell him I'm at a friends house and he doesn't mind, just wants me back by tomorrow

"what time do you usually go to bed"

he gives me a curious look "around 11.. why? are you tired"

I shake my head "I just hope we have time to watch a movie"

he smiles "what did you have in mind?"

"anything" I shrug

he takes a look at the dvd cabinet and pulls out a dvd case

"do you like sci fi movies?" he asks as he turns on the dvd player

I shrug

"this movie is called the faculty. you might like it"


2 hours pass and the stupid movie is over, I barely flinched at the gore scenes, and the both of us laughed at the terrible cgi graphics

Vincent turns to look at me "so.. we're ready for bed?" he smiles, I nod

he shows me to his room, it's a little messy, but not as monstrous as mine.. no dints in the walls, the bed actually has a frame instead of being a single mattress on the floor, and he has his own desk..

"nice room" I mutter, he smiles

he sits down on the bed and flicks the light off, I lay on the other side of the bed


his words come out quiet and awkward

I have to admit, I'm not used to sharing a bed with another boy after breaking his nose, but it's a new experience I guess..


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