=Year 3 (Asgard)=

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A peaceful day in Selwyn Manor [The Manor of Ender] where the birds are chirping, winds are blowing and sun is shin-"I HATE YOUUUUUU"
"Thor... give y/n your 200 dolars, which you landed on her property"
"NO! She's is jail! I am not gonna give money to a criminal!"
"That's not how you-....PLAYYYYY"
"Um..Belle? Why are they screaming?"
"Shut the fuck up Sirius you're gonna talk because you stole my last railroad!"

The door opened and darcy entered the mansion with her wands out "I heard screaming is everything okay!?" She was only met with six pair of eyes and a monopoly between them which made her sigh "That game is cursed"

"Well it's late now i am gonna go make some lunch. Rolf and Y/n go clean your rooms they are a mess like a whole war broke inside it and Thor, you and Sirius are going to help me cause Darcy is tired " Isabelle ordered as Everyone groaned except Loki and Darcy "what about loki? Why didn't he got to work?" Rolf whineed as Loki smacked his head "Shut up, Blue spinkles" Rolf groaned as Isabelle and Sirius chuckled "Can anyone tell me why is he calling me that!?" Isabelle laughed "Well anyways Loki and Hela has been busy all day with me and helped me in washing the dishes so he doesn't get work and Hela got some work from asgard so she went there" Loki smirked at Rolf who just rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at him.

Slowly but finally everyone got to work now loki was sitting beside the fireplace with a book in his hands which was given to him by y/n 'Romeo and Juliet' as darcy placed herself on the opposite side of loki after taking off her coat "Romeo and Juliet? I didn't knew you liked love stories" darcy asked as he looked at her making her breath hitch for a second "Honestly, I didn't knew myself too" he said with a shrug and without any mean or sarcastic comment which was shocking cause 'THE GOD OF MISCHIEF' always has sarcastic comments ready but he himself don't know where does that side of him goes whenever he is with either frigga, hela or..darcy.

"How did you knew Isa?" Loki asked as darcy smiled while looking towards the fireplace "She and I were kind of..enemies" This made loki curious and he closed the book and directed his attention towards her like she was telling a fairytale "How so?" He asked as she started "Long story short, We both were competitors and didn't wanted the other one to get the compliment of studies and one time we got in a verbal fight which got so serious that Professor Minerva was forced to give both of us detention" Darcy laughed and Loki got an unknown smile on his face.

"What happened then?" He asked as she got confortable on her place "In detention there were two more kids both were of Slytherin, and well let's just say people in slytherin didn't liked me that much because i was against there beliefs and prejudice, so in detention on of them was Lucius..lucius malfoy a git and a karen he always picks up on me whenever he got the chance so he started throwing insults and i was fighing back verbally but then he suddenly got furious when i talked about how his master was stupid so he threw a curse or an unknown spell at me-" loki cut her off "Wait what? Were you okay? Was that an harmful spell?" Darcy gave a small laugh and looked at the panicking face of loki.

"I am okay and great, loki you can stop panicking now even though you look cute" this comment made loki taken aback as he fumbled with his robes "Just..continue with your story" he mumbled as she grinned "Alright so that spell was going to get me BUT Isabelle saved me on time she pulled me back which made the spell hit the wall and then we both started fighting with him and I don't remember the other person's name but yea after the Professor came me and Isabelle got another detention but this time not with Malfoy and The other dude. In the detention I thanked her and said sorry about the fight then Isabelle just grinned and asked for forgiveness too and the we just started joking how funny horrified malfoy looked and laughed, That was how we met and out friendship got stronger" Darcy finished and noticed loki sleeping in an awkward position with the book tightly clutched in his hands like his life is depend on it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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