=Year 1 (Good bye...)=

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(EPILOGUE!) or 8 movies for maruders will also work ;)

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(EPILOGUE!) or 8 movies for maruders will also work ;)

—3rd Person POV—

"Aye!, Come on now! Hurry up! You'll be late!" Hagrid urged the students as they either talked outside the train or were boarding it. Y/n finally gave her bags to rolf who was putting his and her stuff on train and then the girl gave snow to hermione who got confused and walked to the open door behind Harry, waving to Hagrid. "Come on, Harry." Hermione urged Harry, him walking towards Hagrid without a word.

"One minute." Y/n told her, following after him. "Thought you two were leaving without saying goodbye, ehh?" Hagrid joked, Y/n smiling up at him. He pulled out two red books out of his large pocket and handing them to the two, Y/n got confused "what's this hagrid?" She asked as the half giant smiled at ner "well my little flower this is a picture book i tried to find much as possible" he said as harry opened his.

He saw a picture on the first page with a toddler that looked like him meanwhile y/n eyes widened by seeing all three person she saw in her dreams with her parents "hag-rid who are thses three?" She asked with hesitation as the giant asnwered "well that's james and lily potter with our little harry" as y/n eyes were so wide that it would popped out any time but didn't show it.

"Thanks, Hagrid." Harry spoke as Y/n nodded. "Thanks my litt-giant saviour" y/n said as hagrid laughed at the duo before him. He shook harry's hand then ruffled y/n hair on which she pouted as they both pulled the half-giant in for an unexpected hug, Hagrid chuckling. "Go on, on with ya. On with ya now." Hagrid told them, the hug separating. "And Harry, if that dope of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you could always, erm, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his."

"But hagrid..we are not supposed to do magic outside school you know it" he said as hagrid laughed and y/n spoke with a smirk "but they don't know it right?" As harry smiled "good bye hagrid" he said as y/n continued "See you soon Hagrid!".

"It feels stange doesn't it? Going to home," Hermione said "I am not going home.." he said as mattheo smiled "not really" y/n completed.



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