Me and amanda

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I sat on the couch it had been a week since Luke and mason got took and I have not ate or moved since then. Everyone has tried to get me to but I just can't Luke is still asleep I can only tell through the link. "Please eat honey we will find them I promise" my dad said standing by my mom. Amanda has been eating but it's harder for a alpha when there mate gets took from them "its all my fault" I say finally getting up and walking slowly to them crying "this is all my fault" "no sweetie it's not your fault but you need to keep your strength up to help find him. She looks at me with sad eyes so does my dad "ok fine" my stomach gives of a loud growl and I walk to the kitchen and eat some cereal because its early in the morning. My parents follow and soon after Amanda with bags under her eyes and Luke's beta John gives me a sad look but I look away. Just then the door slams open and Luke runs in with mason behind him "LUKE!!!"I scream "they looked everywhere for you and I thought you were asleep because of the link?" "I blocked you out so you wouldn't come" I glare at him but hug and kiss him. Amanda and mason already up in there room. He cups my check "have you been eating" he asks protectively. I sigh and look at my parents for help "you havent" he says his voice raising. "No"I sigh he puts me in a seat and cooks me a big meal but I complain the whole time telling him to get checked by the doctor.

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