Chapter One

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I finished my other ongoing fic and will be focusing full time on this from now on! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter WARNINGS: Blood and injury, flesh wounds, nothing too graphic I think but just to be on the safe side.


Crowley stares at the blood on his hand, white-hot panic spreading through his body and paralyzing his limbs the longer he looks.

He's aware he's still holding the angel's body up with one arm, but he can't turn his head, can't look anywhere else but at the red staining his fingers, the red that must also be seeping through Aziraphale's no longer pristine white suit jacket, like a glass of wine shattered on white cloth.


Crowley's head snaps around so fast he feels dizzy with it, the hand he's been staring at grabbing Aziraphale's upper arm to hold him more securely, leaving a bloody handprint behind.

"M'sorry." The angel's eyelids flutter, trying to open but losing the battle. "Didn't know- had nowhere- sorry. So sorry..."

"Angel." Crowley gathers him up quickly, drags him as best as he can past the doorstep, slamming the door behind him as Aziraphale groans in pain. "Aziraphale?"

"Needed-" Aziraphale's breath comes in shallow wheezes, his features contort shortly, then relax as he seems to slip away from consciousness again. "Di'n't know wher'else to go" he slurrs, "Just wanted..."

"S'good you came here", Crowley says, supporting his head as it threatens to tip back. His hair is so soft, sweaty locks still silky between Crowley's fingers, but he can't think about that right now, he- "It's okay", Crowley says urgently, tries to swallow the panic that's closing up his throat. "But stay awake for me, angel. Come on-"

What happened?, he wants to scream. Who did this to you, how could this happen, how could I let this happen, who-

"Crowley." Aziraphale breathes his name slowly, head rolling forward and coming to rest against the demon's chest. "Shouldn't have- don't want me here", the angel says more to himself, his eyes closed. "But I didn't know where else, had to find-"

"Listen, I'm glad you're here", Crowley says, even though he can't be sure how much Aziraphale is picking up on right now, "don't worry about it, but we gotta get you to the bedroom, come on."

"Bed?" Aziraphale blinks uncomprehendingly, then sinks back against him. Crowley has no choice but to try and hoist him to his feet, supporting his weight as well as he can.

He can't risk a miracle in this state, no idea what it would do to Aziraphale's injured and weakened corporation, and Crowley's mind is far from focused enough to control possible damage, he hasn't used his powers in months, he doesn't know how an occult miracle would affect an ethereal being-

He half carries half drags Aziraphale forward down the hall, one step, two, three -

"That's it." Crowley feels Aziraphale trembling, his head falling forward. "Just a few more-" His sweaty hand slips on the coat, and he holds onto the angel instinctively to keep him from falling, getting a grasp on him between his shoulder blades-

Aziraphale cries out, his knees buckling and dropping to the ground where Crowley catches him just in time before his head hits the hard tiled floor.

"Hurts", Aziraphale whispers, eyes shut and mouth slack. "Crowley. It hurts, please-"

"I know, angel." He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know what to do- "Fuck-"

"Make it stop", the angel whimpers, taking a gasping breath. "I can't, I can't-"

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