Part 10

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Nathalie, Emma and Gabriel had in the meantime checked in at their hotel and had been on a couple of rides, had eaten at a way too expensive food stand and had Emma dressed up as Wendy from Peter Pan.

Gabriel had asked her why she wouldn't want to be one of the princesses and her answer had been.

"Because there's a crocodile in Peter Pan!"

Giggling, Nathalie had knelt down to kiss the girl's cheek and pretended to scold Gabriel.

"How could you forget about the crocodile, 'grandpa'?"

Gabriel quirked an eyebrow to that, then proposed.

"Maybe we should dress you up

as a princess then, my love!"

About to decline, the former assistant had thought of something different, seeing how excited and happy Emma was while looking at her expectantly, she suggested.

"I will do so, if you, my darling, will do too!"

Hearing Emma squeal, the annoyed looking man growled.


And just like that they ended up being dressed as Belle and the Beast. They continued to make fun and joke around all the way back to their hotel, not even noticing the people staring at them and taking pictures, both adults being so distracted and mesmerised by all the fun they were having that they forgot about their own publicity at all.

While Gabriel already went into their own bedroom, Nathalie brought Emma into hers.

The little girl had insisted on the woman taking her, because she certainly knew better how to handle a beautiful dress like hers than him. Not even telling her that he had become rich by creating dresses like hers could convince her.

"My mum makes even more beautiful dresses than you and she still doesn't know how to not stain them or get them all wrinkled!" She told him stubbornly. "And on top of that, you're a boy, I don't change my clothes in front of boys!"

Nathalie grinned and held out her hand, winking at Gabriel as she said.

"You're absolutely right. I will tuck you in and your grandpa can be a good boy and let in a bath for later. Otherwise I won't be able to get up in the morning after all those bumpy rides!"

Then she kissed Gabriel's lips and whispered into his ear.

"'I' have no problem undressing in front of a 'boy'!"

With a knowing smile and a subtle squeeze to her butt Gabriel had let them leave and went to prepare what his wife had asked for.

After helping Emma undress and watching her brush her teeth, Nathalie tucked her in tightly and asked.

"Well, I'm not as good with telling stories I just made up as your grandpa is, but if you'd like I could read you one from my tablet. Either that or I could tell you something about your dad when he was little. Your choice!"

Emma thought for a moment, then asked her in that carefree sort of way only young children dare to.

"Mummy told my dad that you and grandpa wanted to try for a baby and that me and her were kinda keeping you from that. What do you do when you 'try' for a baby? Do you have to practise and win some challenge to get one? Like the drawing competition in my old school? And can't I help you practise instead of keeping you from it?"

Nathalie coughed then cleared her throat as she smiled at the young girl, then took a deep breath.

"First of all, your grandpa was only joking around when he said you were keeping us from 'trying'. And I am also very sure you know that you have grown inside of your mum's belly and that she didn't win you in any competition, right?"

Emma nodded wildly.

"I know that I was in her belly. But nobody told me how I got in there. I thought maybe that's what you had to try for, to get a baby somewhere and get it into your belly somehow."

Sighing, the completely overwhelmed woman told her.

"I don't think your mum would like it, if I told you about 'that'. But I think we're good if I tell you that you need a man and a woman to create a new life and that it usually starts with them, as you called it, kissing and getting all snuggly. If they do a few more things which you should ask your mum or your mum and dad to explain to you, and if the timing is right, they could create a teeny, tiny baby that will grow inside the woman's belly and grow for nine months until it's ready to be born."

After letting the heard things sink in for some time, the five year old wondered.

"Does that happen every time when grown ups get all snuggly with the right timing?"

That made Nathalie laugh.

"No sweetie, it doesn't. Some couples need to try for years while others succeed even if they use one of the things that exist to prevent a woman from getting pregnant. Hey, why are you looking sad now?"

Emma scooted closer and snuggled her head into Nathalie's lap.

"I thought, if mummy and daddy were doing that too, I might become a big sister soon. If you're about to have a baby, what will I be for it?"

Smiling, the young woman started to caress the child's head, while explaining softly.

"Your dad would be the baby's half-brother and therefore the baby would be your aunt or uncle and you would be their niece. But right now, you should try to go to sleep, so you will be well rested and totally recovered in the morning. Any story suggestions?"

Emma shook her head.

"Only another question. Or two. Do you think I can hope for a little sibling? And have you and grandpa already tried for a baby yet?"

"If I answer those questions, do you think you'll be able to sleep then?"

"Yup. I will just close my eyes and dream of my future aunt and my future little brother."

"So you already know their sexe? Interesting. Let me say it like this. For now I am wishing for your mum and dad to make up and get back to being a couple. And to finally be the parents you deserve and they want to be. That I am certain about, they both love you more than anything." Nathalie said calmly.

"Daddy too? Even though we just met?" Emma enthused.

"Yes, sweetheart. I've known your dad for all his life. And I promise you, the moment he saw you, he knew that you are his little girl. Adrien always wanted children. Or siblings. And for some time he wanted a cat, but that stopped when he was about thirteen. Believe me, he loves you very much. And so does your mum. And your grandpa and I love you just as much because you're such a sweet and clever little girl."

"Will you still love me when you have your own baby? Because my mum's friend, Alya, always had time for me. But since she told us, she and Nino are having a baby soon, she barely spent any time with me or mummy at all." Emma looked sad as she narrated.

"I promise you that we will still love you if we are going to ever have a baby. Has your curiosity been pleased now, my little angel?"

"You still didn't tell me if you and grandpa already did make a baby. I mean, tried to make a baby." She protested.

Nathalie chuckled.

"You won't give up on that one, huh? Yes, we did. But without success so far. And now I want you to close your eyes and go to sleep. Good night and the sweetest of all dreams, Emma!"

"Good night, grandma! Can I have a kiss? Mummy always kisses my forehead after tucking me in!"

Nathalie smiled lovingly and pecked Emma's forehead, then stroked along her right cheek, whispering.

"If you need something, we're right on the other side of the bathroom, alright? Or even in the bathtub still."

"Okay," said the girl with a yawn, her eyes already fluttering closed, being that exhausted from the exciting day.

Gabriel was already waiting for his wife in the bathroom and grinned knowingly as she silently shut the door and leaned her back against it, taking a deep breath.

"You heard us." It wasn't even a question.

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